I couldn't love GRM the magazine or the website more, and believe me, I don't like to be the P.C police or anything or the guy who has a problem with everything thing, but I do have a problem with this...
I find it a bit offensive that you use terms like “Gay Pirates” etc etc... for your little descriptions or whatever. I myself do not have a echoing walk, nor do I normally dress for Village People reunions, but I feel sensitivity for people with excessive leather disorder as I am a large motorcycle rider, and my Girlfriend is pursuing her masters in the field.
These terms although I'm pretty sure are not even real words, are obviously meant to resemble the words used to describe people who appear to have just stepped out of a HD Accessory Catalog, and it appears that they are used on these boards in a joking sense which, as I view it, makes light of people who are afflicted with Excessive Credit Card Limits.
Dr. Hess wrote:
I find it a bit offensive that you use terms like “Gay Pirates” etc etc... for your little descriptions or whatever. I myself do not have a echoing walk, nor do I normally dress for Village People reunions, but I feel sensitivity for people with excessive leather disorder as I am a large motorcycle rider, and my Girlfriend is pursuing her masters in the field.
Did I read that wrong? You can get a master's degree in gay?
10/8/14 9:56 a.m.
Doc, I think it was Pirate guys, not pirate gays.....
If I'm not shifting, avoiding, in heavy traffic, or paying more attention to the idiot skypeing next to me, I'll wave at any motorcycle(not mopeds, bicycles, unicycles, trikes & other 3 wheel abominations, etc)
Its always the downward angle 2. Every marque of rider does that one here....only the gay hipsters on their cafe bikes do the gaywave
ddavidv wrote:
Oh, and BMW guys are generally too self-important to wave at anyone either.
It's the bark busters. You have to take your hands off the bars for people to see them. Look at the clutch and you will see two fingers sticking up over as a little salute.
Ofcourse, If I knew you cocks thought I was a snob there would only be the one finger there.
10/9/14 9:53 a.m.
ddavidv wrote:
Oh, and BMW guys are generally too self-important to wave at anyone either.
lol my DD is a BMW k1300s and I'll wave at just about anyone, but I'm also far from your typical BMW rider.
10/9/14 10:23 a.m.
After driving a Jeep as a DD for 8 years, I liked the Jeep wave. I do Miata waves when I'm driving the miata. I sometimes try WRX waves when driving the WRX, but those are not as successful. When I drive the Mini I wave at all the MINIs, but find that more and more of them don't even notice.
Sometimes, I will even do an econoline wave when driving the van. That doesn't seem to work either.
Guess I should get a bike and start waving.
Ok another question. I was at a stoplight on a 4 lane highway waiting to go straight. I guy on a Kawasaki Concours pulled up and gave two points towards the ground. When the light turned he hammered it and took off like his bike was on fire. I putted off at my own speed.
Did the two points towards the ground mean let's race?
10/10/14 2:59 p.m.
Those damn Connie riders....bunch of drag racing hellions. 
10/10/14 3:31 p.m.
Nick_Comstock wrote:
I don't think so.
Doubtful.....but those concours riders are pieces of work usually. They do drag race them up here, hard sidebags and all. 
Yeah it struck me as odd based on the bike, but from a newb perspective I didn't know. Two motorcycles, two open straight lanes, one red light. Of course it didn't dawn on me until I got home what it might have meant...
I actually really like the Concours, but it looked twice as big as mine.
10/10/14 7:05 p.m.
In reply to octavious:
That's because they are huge.....no different than a FJR1300, BMW 1300, zx14, or busa. They're all equally massive. My raptor has a 10" stretch and it is about the same length as a stock busa/zx14....
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Pirate costumes will only wave to fellow pirate attired tools on paint-shakers.
Most normal looking people on all kinds of bikes wave around here. Except at scooter riders. berkeley those shiny happy people.
That's the best laugh I've had all day. Thanks, I needed that!
I don't know from wave etiquette so I usually wave at all riders including shiny happy scooter riders. I've got a feeling that a scooter will be my last two-wheeled vehicle. I'm in E.TN and most all riders wave. Like said by others I'm not stupid, safety first but I'll at least nod if possible. IDK, it goes back to the 60s for me when all Brit. sports car owners proudly waved.
Graefin10 wrote:
I've got a feeling that a scooter will be my last two-wheeled vehicle.
I was just reading a thread on ADV titled something like "Got a divorce, sold the house, quit my job... time for a trip across the USA". He is doing it on a 350cc scooter. I love that forum. Inspirational insanity by the bucketload.
I gave the wave to a group of pirates and one of them flipped me the bird. Ok then. Didn't realize the orange awesomeness of my KTM made you feel so inferior!
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Graefin10 wrote:
I've got a feeling that a scooter will be my last two-wheeled vehicle.
I was just reading a thread on ADV titled something like "Got a divorce, sold the house, quit my job... time for a trip across the USA". He is doing it on a 350cc scooter. I love that forum. Inspirational insanity by the bucketload.
Sub Forums like "Ride reports", "Day trippin" and "pics pics pics" are indeed great. But, venture over into the likes of "Face Plant" or "The perfect line and other riding myths" and you'll find a whole colony of moronic internet trolls.
10/22/14 2:40 p.m.
In reply to docwyte:
I had one guy that gave me the bird as he passed me in traffic the other day, and I happened to end up parked on his left side at a stop light......needless to say, two step mysteriously became activated(fireballs out the right side of the bike) 
10/23/14 9:12 a.m.
Not all Pirates are like the BMW douches...I passed a band of real 1% ers and waved. Almost all of them gave me the wave back-and I was on my Yamaha Majesty scooter!
10/23/14 10:40 a.m.
In reply to minimac:
The BMW guys respond to waves......but only the Hitler salute. 
Everytime I see another rotary powered vehicle on the road, there is usually "the wave".
I have heard Jeeps do this as well.
Bicyclists do this as well.
10/23/14 11:57 a.m.
In reply to Giant Purple Snorklewacker:
Wait, why does Hitler want the bike of overweight walmart goers? Or is he scheming to somehow use the depleted uranium frames to build WMDs? 
In reply to Giant Purple Snorklewacker:
No, he doesn't.

10/25/14 10:16 a.m.
I can't stand the pointing at the ground thing. Group riding etiquette says that's the hand signal to indicate some sort of hazard is on the road surface near there. Additionally, most of the time I see it, it's some shiny happy person tight-lipping his mouth shut and squinting into the wind because, since he isn't wearing a helmet and is blasting along at 60mph, his face gets a little uncomfortable and his unplugged ears are bleeding on his far, far too loud HD. But I'm not trying to judge. Dentists need motorcycles, too.
My waves are always all five fingers up, hand at roughly shoulder height, like I am a real person waving at another real person. I can't stand that two fingers pointed at the ground three inches from his handlebar is the only effort he can put in. If he's that cool and that disaffected, why "wave" at all?
Anyway, I always return a wave. I always start a wave when I see someone on the same marque as me (and I have had fellow Ducati riders not wave back! Suzuki people usually wave back...). I usually just wave to everyone. But no douchey points from me.