The street tracker project is still in its infancy but I'm digging up information for different bits. One thing I can't seem to find is a chart showing what the recommended rim width is for a given tire size. I can find that stuff all day long for car tires but not bike tires. Well, except for those gigantor tires they put on Big Dogs etc which really is no help.
Anybody have access to such an animal? Ideally the chart will show both the inch sizes (like 4.00 x 18) and metric (like 100/90-18).
Won't vouch for the accuracy though. Don't know the source.
Try i think its on there somewhere...
Early days rims were called out by "W" numbers not not like car where we say 6 inch or 8 inch rim. They'd say w1 rim but w1 is not 1 inch..
7/22/09 3:58 p.m.
The Tucker Rocky catalog has the exact table you're looking for in the front of the tire section. Any good-sized shop should have it, or have access. You may be able to find the page in their online catalog, too, since it's basically just a scan.
I finally found what I was looking for at Maybe this will help someone else too!