So, all the stuff I've been able to find online tends to lead me to believe that CB360s all came with drum brakes on the front.
The one I have in the garage has disk brakes. The right hand controls need to be replaced but they don't seem to be original to the bike.
Anyone know what these came off of so I know what to replace them with?
Definitely Honda. I suspect pre -77. That's the best I can do.
I will back Woody on that one. Honda. Pre-77. I have some exactly like that that came off an early 70's Honda. They went to black plastic at some point, I think 77 as noted (I have a 77 with the plastic ones).
Are you after the switch or the brake master cylinder? The latter looks like the usual Honda disk brake cylinder so I'd look for something like a CB500 Four etc... Might be worth having a look at the online parts list on to see if they list a disk brake master cylinder for the CB360. The switch gear looks original to me...
6/14/09 12:21 p.m.
I had one of each. 360s had discs, 350s had drums.
If you're having a hard time replacing that switch (they're out there, but it may take some scrounging), or if you want to DIY it, you can easily replicate all the functions with Radio Shack switches in strategic locations. The wiring on these things is dead simple if you get your hands on a manual.
Hmm....did they make the 360 in a disc and a drum form. The only switches I've been able to find for the 360s have for drum brake models.
I have been considering just wiring in a start button somewhere on the frame.
alex wrote:
I had one of each. 360s had discs, 350s had drums.
If you're having a hard time replacing that switch (they're out there, but it may take some scrounging), or if you want to DIY it, you can easily replicate all the functions with Radio Shack switches in strategic locations. The wiring on these things is dead simple if you get your hands on a manual.
I thin he's got it backwards. CB350F's had a disc in front. Both of my 77 Hondas had a metal assembly, just different.
6/14/09 2:28 p.m.
Oh, CB350 fours had discs. Maybe the twins, did, too.
Hell, maybe they had both on both models. I'm 100% certain that my 360 had a disc, because I'm looking at the identical hydraulic master cylinder on my bench right now.
And, yeah, if I were you, I'd just stick a starter button somewhere else, unless you happen to come across a goodd used switch group. The same thing happened on my 360, and I stuck a mini switch (from McMaster-Carr; it was the tiniest switch I'd ever seen) on the bracket for the ignition cylinder. Worked okay for me.
6/14/09 6:32 p.m.
Looks like a primitive version of my Nighthawk maybe a Hawk CB400? (Not the hawk GT)
CB350 Twins all had drums, to my knowledge. 360 Twins all had discs. IIRC, the drum on the 350 was more effective and had better feel than the disc on the 360.
I just read the wiki article on the CB360 the other day (Because a buddy wants me to buy his) and It said that a front disc brake was an option for the CB360s.
Take that for what I paid for it...