10/30/13 7:33 p.m.
An 11-year-old Washington state boy accused of taking a gun, knives and 400 rounds of ammunition to school last week yelled obscenities and fought detention officers after a judge ordered him to remain in custody.
Prosecutors said the boy had managed to sneak the gun onto school grounds at least twice before this month and that on the day of his arrest, he told a school counselor: "I'm not going to (expletive) tell you anything. You don't know what I'm capable of."
An 11-year-old Washington state boy accused of taking a gun, knives and 400 rounds of ammunition to school last week yelled obscenities and fought detention officers after a judge ordered him to remain in custody.
Prosecutors said the boy had managed to sneak the gun onto school grounds at least twice before this month and that on the day of his arrest, he told a school counselor: "I'm not going to (expletive) tell you anything. You don't know what I'm capable of."
I assume this is the link that you meant to include
"Little Johnny is a good boy and would never do a thing like that. We've never had to tell him 'no' or monitor what games he plays or what he sees on the internet or T.V. He's so well behaved, he only strangles the cat every now-and-then."
Signed the clueless, crappy parents.
11 year olds thusly armed are de rigueur in some parts of the world
wow.. and my 12 year old neice writes a poem with the word suicide in it and she gets taken out of school and not allowed back in until seen by a psychologist.
10/30/13 11:54 p.m.
Prosecutors said the boy had managed to sneak the gun onto school grounds at least twice before this month ...
Uh...who are they prosecuting here? Because is seems whoever let him back on campus after the FIRST time he smuggled in the firearm should have some accountability.
mad_machine wrote:
wow.. and my 12 year old neice writes a poem with the word suicide in it and she gets taken out of school and not allowed back in until seen by a psychologist.
Heh. In my 2nd grade daily journal, for lack of anything else to say, I wrote the lyrics to the Warren Zevon song "Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner."" How I stayed out of counseling after that, I couldn't tell you. But I'm guessing the next parent-teacher conference was very interesting for my parents.
In reply to alex:
Oh, I'm sure they figured you were just an excitable boy...
10/31/13 7:19 a.m.
Anyone else notice the reader has a blank name?
PHeller wrote:
Anyone else notice the reader has a blank name?
This has come up before, I have come to accept the things I cannot change, and move on
PHeller wrote:
Anyone else notice the reader has a blank name?
He's been here a while, and hasn't caused any problems that I'm aware of. (...yes, his displayed screen name looks blank. He has a normal account name to log in, just like anybody else.)
10/31/13 8:53 a.m.
We live in a strange society. Sex is scary (or really awesome), violence is wonderful (or really normal), guns are easily available and everyone is a winner (except for all the losers).
I hope this kid sees good counselors and is monitored for a long time.
"I'm not going to (expletive) tell you anything. You don't know what I'm capable of." --The Kid
I like the cut of his jib.
10/31/13 9:16 a.m.
Joey said:
PHeller wrote: Anyone else notice the reader has a blank name?
He's been here a while, and hasn't caused any problems that I'm aware of. (...yes, his displayed screen name looks blank. He has a normal account name to log in, just like anybody else.)
Joey, thanks, maybe i should start a thread "name the reader" i bet i would get some funny ones.....
Fun contest: the name chosen has to relate to your interests and opinions as expressed in prior posts.
When I was 11 i started shooting with the PAL at a rifle range in the basement of the elementary school. Some kids on the team would bring their guns and leave them in the secrararies office and at practice we would get handed bricks of surplus ammo. The finally closed the range a few years ago because of elevated lead levels in the kindergarten classrooms above it.
10/31/13 10:34 a.m.
I would have gone with, "He Who Shall Not Be Named."
I liked it better with no name at all. It's more mystical.
Plus then we can say things like "I consulted with The Reader" or "Summon The Reader" or "The Reader has blessed us with his presence."
10/31/13 10:53 a.m.
Swank said:
Plus then we can say things like "I consulted with The Reader" or "Summon The Reader" or "The Reader has blessed us with his presence."
Now that is some funny E36 M3!!
Trans, it was Nemo, That's latin for Nobody"
The wrote:
OK, now that's funny. It will track your dork status, too. ("There may be other dorks, but I'm referring to THE dork...")
I think he should be "The poster who says Ni"