6/13/13 7:32 a.m.
914Driver wrote:
When I started here in 1978 we were making forty 8 inch guns a month for the Navy. We also put out the 175mm, longer barrel, same breech mech.
This is a 16 inch used on Battleships. When the rifling gets blown out, rather than build a whole new tube, we bore the center out and push in a sleeve. Then the sleeve is bored and rifled. Try making a slip fit part 30 feet long.
I hear you're pain ... we re-lined the bores of all 9 8" barrels dock-side one time (prior to wespac deployment) these were 8"55 caliber ( 440" long barrels) glad I was assigned to the 3"50 mounts
In reply to 914Driver:
It's a mess right now, they're actually moving it to Ft Lee (VA), as once they made APG a "closed" base, attendance really dropped like a rock, so BRAC moved it to Ft Lee (along with the Ordnance School).
It's really a shame, as if you were lucky you used to be able to get a tour from... crap, I'm forgetting his name right now, but the Dr. who always did the History Channel shows...
William Atwater, pretty sharp guy.

When I was very small, I used to keep track of whatever piece of equipment was in front of the Arsenal every time we drove down Broadway.
It is a pretty cool place. I used to use the gym there when I was a teenager.