Picked this up as a "War-Wagon" DD, and fairly pleased, with only two minor concerns. Trying to isolate a "Wubba-Wobba" possible motor mount issue, and this is REALLY minor... Is the clock 'spoda be backlit ?
Apparently, condoms don't always prevent minivans !
The clock isn't back lit on my brother's 02 either. Never has been.
They've had it since 2007 and it has been a great rig for them. It should be since I chose it for them.
clock is supposed to be backlit. what happens is the bulb contact gets loose or cruddy and it quits contacting. solution is a palm-strike to the clock area. no E36 M3. this is the solution posted on odyclub.com forums, and the clock in my '03 is still backlit after applying this fix about 3 years ago. also, your wubba-wobba could be front wheel bearings, which i think are only good for about 120k. i'm on my second set of replacements, but my van has 247k miles on it.
"Womp" 1 time and fixed !
Thanks Angry, now on to the the "Wubba-Wobba" which is a muted thunk like a very worn rubber bushing / mount...
That's known in the bidness as a 'percussion adjustment' and is a valuable tool of the pro technician.
My '03 Odyssey had the same clock back light issue and about 2 years ago I "fixed" it with the dash punch. It went out about a month ago for the first time since then and refused to re-light no matter how many times I hit the dash. After reading this thread it reminded me to give it another try and voila, it worked! Hopefully it'll stay on for the next 3 years.
As a bit of a thread jack here, I remember years ago the Suddards owned an Odyssey and replaced the stock suspension with something else. They seemed to be quite pleased with the upgrade. Anyone recall what that was? Mine would could really use a freshening up.
Ten-year-old vehicles are supposed to make various noises. It's part of the charm.
My neighbor has an older Odyssey that receives no visible maintenance, repair or proper usage and has about a billion miles on it. Apparently there is no amount of abuse or neglect that can kill them, because he is certainly trying.
1/2/14 7:48 a.m.
The first time I had the transmission rebuilt in the '03 we used to have, I seem to remember the tranny guy telling me that the rear mount was a common failure point and that mine was trashed. While it's been too long for me to remember all the various noises that the stupid thing made, I do recall that replacing that mount changed the noises in a somewhat more pleasant way.
Front/Rear mounts and the side engine mount are all common on the Accord/Pilot/Ody platform. Change the trans fluid often to get as much life as possible.