And they are DONE!!!! Spent all day doing them. I always let them sit for 24 hours before filing and give them a one over but that is no big deal.
I screwed up this year on my withholding's and let "the man" hold on to way to much money of mine as I am getting a rather sizable refund.
I'm still waiting on a couple of K1s. I'll also end up writing a rather sizable check to go with it, so they won't be in the mail until the 15th of April.
we have our refund already. wife getting taxes withheld plus me being self employed with a pile of receipts and depreciating assets = i get them done ASAP. i would have been done 2 weeks sooner but had to wait for my healthcare marketplace forms.
2/13/16 10:09 p.m.
Mine have been done for almost 2 weeks, no word yet about when I get my $.
I'm just hoping California doesn't issue IOUs or take 3 months to issue the refund like last year.
I turned everything into the accountant Thursday and she got them done. Glad I took care of that early.
Got mine done yesterday and was accepted today. Got pretty close this year, $720 back, $790 after the 10% extra for getting it all back in Amazon gift cards.
My mother in law is a CPA so I haven't done anything other than sign our return and say thank you since I married my wife. It's nice. 
I wouldn't do my own taxes any more than I'd cut my own hair. In both cases it's WELL worth having a professional take care of it for me.
On the good news side, I got an unsolicited text from the ex saying I could use both children's tax credits. This came out of a E36 M3storm interaction a few years ago wherein our accountant called me up to tell me that ex and hubby had too many deductions already and tax credit for daughter would be wasted unless I used it ($1,500 in my pocket). But we needed ex's permission to use it.
He knew we weren't on the best of terms and offered to be the go-between for us (so cool). An hour later he calls back and I can tell he's disgusted. Ex will agree to "allow" me the use of 2nd tax credit only if I write her a check for $1,000. Not even split it 50/50 like we were all taught in kindergarten but a grand for her. Knowing I'm eking out a paycheck to paycheck existence and she married the VP of a significant printer company. Well, I was in no position to turn down $500 even if it disgusted me to give her an extra grand so I did it.
Happily, she seems to be a bit less money-grubbing these days so there is that.
In reply to KyAllroad:
And just like cutting my hair, I wouldn't pay someone good money that I am more than capable of doing for myself.
Although I don't actually do the taxes. My wife did them for a living in a CPA firm for over eight years so she does them. If she didn't, I would do them. But I wouldn't trust her to cut my hair.
Somebody might have gotten 1,000 $1 bills. 
I am still waiting on one of my W2s! Three phone calls to the company to finally get ahold of someone in HR and they tell me they mailed them a week ago. I want to get my taxes done already.
This year I get to claim an unclaimed business loss from 2013, plus business loss from 2015, so I'm gonna get a fat refund. Still waiting on a K1 to make it all happen.
Our CPA did ours last Monday. While I think I'm pretty capable of doing it myself, I prefer to have the added safeguard of having a "real" CPA check it over rather than have the IRS point out my mistakes. Plus, the added bonus is that he's more than happy to discuss tax issues during the year, usually without charging me for it if it doesn't take too long.
Thanks to overpaid Social Security and Medicare taxes due to a job change, it looks like the IRS is sponsoring 50% of my next track car
I used a tax guy for the first year I owned my home. I thought I needed a pro to maximise my deductions. At best I broke even between state/federal/fees.
After that I switched to TurboTax and have had large refunds ever since.
In reply to The Hoff:
See I found the opposite with TurboTax. My refund was double what TurboTax thought it would be after I double checked with the EA. She's well with the money.
Did mine Saturday. Took 3 hours. We got hit with stupid E36 M3 this year as we moved a bunch of retirement funds around. I typically use H&R block online as it makes it easier since they have the last few years info accessible.
I just use the family CPA and say screw it, plus in the event of an audit, you never have to deal with the IRS.
2/15/16 1:31 p.m.
Looks like my additional withholding did its trick. I only have to pay a little less than $200 this year instead of writing a check that is over a challenge budget.
It's damn depressing to look at the total amount the government takes from me just in income taxes. Even worse if I add in social security and medicare taxes.
Filing injured spouse and a very small bookkeeping side biz on the wife barely nets me $1500 back. I always owe state taxes, usually sub-$500.
Past 4 or 5 yrs, I've used h&r block cd's. Never a real big issue.
I cut my hair as well. The buzz cut saves me $20 ever couple weeks and the time it would take to get the the barber and sit there and wait. I just buzz it off @ 3/8" and move on. Done in 5 minuts. Wife like sit better as well!!!
Tax's are no bid deal. I have been doing them since I was in my teens. The one time I took them to a "professional" (at the encouragement of my now x) as she thought they would find more money. I had to guide the tax guy through all the crap and in the end my return gave me a bigger refund than his cobbled together POS. All he wanted to do was sell me more formes as they were charging by the form needed to complete a return. When I showed my return to him and asked for his supervisor he got all defensive. The supervisor offered for them to do them "for free" but I told them why would I do that if I already had them done. He then offered me a temp job. I declined.
Tax's really are easy and mine really don't change year to year all the much. Also with the internet if you need to look something up you get the info in seconds.
Going to file tonight after I get home. I usually get my money back in 4-5 days.
2/15/16 3:13 p.m.
It's an ugly year for me. Proceeds from my father's estate. Unexpected investment income. Lots of mess.
Good thing SWMBO is an IRS Certified Tax Preparer. I haven't had to do my own taxes since we moved in 8 years ago.
Normally, I never minded doing my own taxes, because they were fairly simple. But I view doing taxes as a chore, while she views it as an exciting and interesting challenge. (Some people are strange!)
This year I will pay for my tax preparation with a VERY fancy dinner out. Small price to pay!
In reply to EvanR:
It's chaos when juggling a farm as a business, incoming & outgoing forms galore.....I helped dad for a solid week just to get everything in order for the CPA. 
I really could do mine as they're that easy.
And filled. I got the email a couple hours later confirming there acceptance. Now on with 2016 and I will be making a couple of adjustments to keep a little more in my pocket instead getting such a large refund
On the other hand the refund was compleetly unexpected so I have some play money to have some fun with. That and the Jag more than likely totaled by a less tan attentive driver running in to me on friday means I will have a much larger pile of money to go car shopping with.