3/4/10 9:37 a.m.
edit Damn, it should say "marriage, not marrage"
So today, 20 years. That is half my life.
My wife and I recieved a lot of advise to the contrary, but today, 20 years ago we got married. We did not have our wedding until June 9th though.
I was in the US Navy and was getting ready to have orders written for my transfer from San Diego to Hawaii (someone had to do it
). I was finalizing the paperwork and told the detailer (that is the person who writes the orders) that I would be taken my then wife along too. He said that I had to be married at the time of writting the orders. I told him I would call him back.
We went the next day to meet with the person who was doing our cerimony in June and said we needed to get married today. He said, "I know it is hard to wait.." we laughed and explained it was to get my wife on my orders to the governmenbt would pay to move her to Hawaii, he then laughed too.
So we signed the documents and I got the stuff faxed to Washington DC and had our orders written for our move to Hawaii.
We told no one esle. (well until just now) We had our wedding on June 9th, 1990. But technically, we got married on March 4th, 1990.
So here we are 20 years in, I was 20 she was 23. So far, so good.
In June and July I am taking 5 weeks vacation (been saving days for 3 years) and we are driving the RV we got reciently to Alaska. We will tow the jeep. We have been planning this trip for a whole year.
So, there it is, the secret to being married for 20 years? I don't know. I am thankful for my wife and what we have accomplished together.
Blah blah blah. EricM
3/4/10 9:44 a.m.
Should also be anniversary, not anaversery. Since we're on the spelling thing
Congrats dood
3/4/10 9:44 a.m.
Congrats! Good story. We're coming up on our 25th this year - but it's mostly out of fear. 
mtn wrote:
Should also be anniversary, not anaversery. Since we're on the spelling thing
Congrats dood
Should be "dude"
Congrats and enjoy the trip.
Make sure you remind the Mrs that you are there voluntarily and even the Navy has a 20 and out rule :)
Congrats. My wife and I just celebrated, or sellabraited our 13th on March 1st.
What does it take, compromise, love and understanding on both parts to make it work. But when it works, it works so well...
New Reader
3/4/10 10:07 a.m.
Congrats dood...
My parents celebrate their 42nd this weekend.
Congrats, both of you gotta be doing something right.
Congrats to the both of you. My wife and I will celebrate our 17th this year, good stuff.
Congratulations Eric. We've managed 25 last month. It does take some work, but worth it.
20 years qualifies your marriage as a classic!
congrats to you both.
secrets with mine? I make her laugh, she makes me laugh. and she feeds me too. LOL
3/4/10 2:17 p.m.
Wifey and I are closing in on 20 also, but second time around for both of us. Won't get all preachy about how it's done, but patience, understanding, and consideration go a long way. Good luck, go for 20 more.
3/4/10 2:27 p.m.
congrats on being on the good side of 50%. I know that my wife and I will join you in a few years.
Congrats!! I say you oil her up with a bottle of red and let her have her way with you.
32 this year, can't believe it. She must have some kinds of patience.... 
3/4/10 4:39 p.m.
Yeah, how often do we see a nasty divorce after 5 years. That hurts, just to watch from a distance.
14 years for Mrs -Maro and myself.
Every now and then I tease her, "It doesn't feel like 14 years honey, more like 5110 days!"
Mrs. Mini and I will hit 29 this year. Too bad it took me two tries to get it right! Looks like you did it the first time, congrats!
We will be at 24 in April. Been more good than bad and have 4 great kids to show for it. There is no secret, you just have to work at it.
Congratulations and have fun on the trip.
Congratulations, You and your wife have the one thing that no amount of money will buy, A long term, commited, happy mariage. My wife and I had our 18th this past September.
It is a rare thing these days, congrats to both of you. We will have 10 in a couple of weeks.
3/4/10 9:17 p.m.
Ms Rex and I are coming up on 25. Bless her heart!