28 years ago today I got married. And she deserves all the credit. Who else would put up with, vacations that are more racing related than a vacation. Having owned 80 cars 5 motorcycles a Hearse and still counting. A family room that looks like the motorsports hall of fame. A garage that you can't park your car in. A vette sitting on the patio. A driveway that is more like a parking lot. Cringes any time I am within 20 miles of a automotive museum. Coming home from work smelling of motor oil, gas, diesel and brake clean. Waiting for the UPS driver to bring the latest car parts. Dinner getting cold talking to the neighbors about the latest F1 race. Having my daughter install a new water pump on the truck. Finding a pair of heads in the back seat of her Jeep. Finding that battery acid not only ate through your t shirt but her favorite sweater as well. Finding out the washer does not work because someone had left a head bolt in his pocket. All I can say is Please,Please don't leave now. I promise I will clean up my act. Just as soon as I finish the 2 challenge cars that are now in the garage, and maybe that vette on the patio, and rebuild that small block that I have stuffed in the corner.....
Bessie your the greatest!
8/26/11 4:57 a.m.
That's awesome! Congratulations!
Congrats!! 28 years is almost unheard of anymore.
8/26/11 6:34 a.m.
Congrats to you sir. After less than 15 years here, my hats off to you.
And give yourself some credit man, a good marriage is a whole bunch of compromises strung together. And I'm sure she isn't the only one working at it.
Congrats! Though, to be honest, anyone who puts up with that much probably has some deep, dark secret that they're hiding from you. One day you'll be asked to forgive her for something truly horrible.
I bet she's a spy.
I hope I can string my girl long for at least another 28 years. We've been dating for 9 years next week. She is great...I probably should tell her that more often.
my parents made it 25 before calling it quits.. congratulations on your long haul!
8/26/11 8:04 a.m.
Very well done! You must be doing something right, other than just having picked a saint 28 years ago. Glad to hear it's going well.
It will be 21 years married for us at the end of this year, 28 years together this fall.
congrats from a mere rookie (11 years in october)!
Congrats! Tim and I (sorta) celebrated our 28th exactly a week ago. I say sorta, b/c he was in Monterey for his stupid job.
13 years in and it just keeps getting better!
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
Congrats! Tim and I (sorta) celebrated our 28th exactly a week ago. I say sorta, b/c he was in Monterey for his stupid job.
Is he at least good at what he does? 
Congrats on the milestone, BTW!
My wife and I are hitting 25 in Feb.
80 cars? WOW! My wife and I have owned 11 cars in 25 years including the 2 we came into the marriage with. But I didn't include the 6 cars my company has supplied me over the past 12 years.
80 cars? WOW!
8/26/11 11:32 a.m.
Congrats. We hit 26 years earlier this month. You guys know the meaning of commitment (or in my case fear - Mrs. Oldtin knows that hop-ki-do stuff). 
SWMBO & I will celebrate 30 years on Oct. 2nd. And I'll be working at Crow Mountain Hillclimb during that weekend. Was there last year also during our anniversary. She's used to it. Being career military I missed a lot of significant events. Why change the trend now that I'm retired from the military. I'm an army civilian now and travel quite a bit. In fact, I just returned from a 10 trip to Kuwait/Afghanistan visiting the troops.
I think it goes both ways, we tolerate each others hobbies. Although her's is church and mine is this stuff, we always know where the other is.
This December will be 37 years. I think we pretty much just tolerate each other. She doesn't expect me to go to weddings or funerals of people I don't know and I don't expect her to go to sports car events. She learned early on that she might walk in and find a pair of SU carbs sitting on the table in various stages of disassembly (I don't do that inside now). If I was to become unmarried for whatever reason, I doubt I could find anybody that could tolerate me.
8/26/11 12:34 p.m.
You guys have been married for my entire life. Congrats.
8/26/11 12:41 p.m.
Congrats! (21 years here)
I second spitfirebill's post. I think we just tolerate each other and very doubtful I could find another that would tolerate me. And she's number 2 for me, the first only lasted 3 years and my deployments were the main cause of that split. I'm here first and only though.
congrats! I got my 1 year sunday - got a longway to go! (she got a shoe box on top of the dryer that is "Grant's box" filled with nuts and bolts she has to clear out of the washer/dryer - so far so good!)
8/26/11 3:33 p.m.
ppddppdd wrote:
Congrats! Though, to be honest, anyone who puts up with that much probably has some deep, dark secret that they're hiding from you. One day you'll be asked to forgive her for something truly horrible.
I bet she's a spy.
I bet she secretly pines for a Chevy Lumina, white with plastic wheel covers....
Well done, it's time to take that lady out for a 5 star dinner
8/26/11 4:18 p.m.
Congratulations. Since the two of you have made it that far I predict that you will be together for many years to come. Be thankful and do what ever it takes to keep her.
My wife and I had our 43rd anniversary last week. I plan on keeping her as long as possible.