MrJoshua wrote:
Do not mistake the actions of W as the actions desired by true republicans in this country. That aside.
No offense but I didn't hear the Republican voters being up in arms about any of these actions that W took. I agree that the Republican party, as it stands now, bears little to no resemblance to what it once was. You have yourselves to blame. Most R's, even the "take responsibilty fo' yo'self!" types, can't even take responsibility for the current state of the Republican party. Didn't they once stand for individual liberties, smaller government, a strong domestic policy, and a balanced budget? If R's still stand for that then why are they still backing W? He has worked towards the exact opposite of those goals.
* Expensive healthcare-side effect of excessive lawsuits. The results of a pro lawsuit policy pushed through years ago by male Clinton
Oh really? Just lawsuits are driving up healthcare costs? That's debatable. Have you investigated what profits the pharmaceutical industry is raking in? Have you also looked into how there are almost two lobbyists for the pharma industry for every one politician in DC?
* Evil internment camps-FDR and internment camps ring a bell?
"Typically thought of as a dark moment in our history. Let's reenact that under the Republican's watch. It's ok then." Is that your argument? Two wrongs make a right?
* subpoenas?-Clinton defied impeachment. Defying subpoenas seems trivial after that. Hell Lincoln didnt just lock up the people, he locked up any politician who was going to oppose his plans. (I know the party affiliation doesnt fit, but he is remembered as a great man who did most of the things you oppose)
Do you really have to reach back 8 years (And then over 100) to fuel your argument? Are you so blinded that you can't face the present and argue this situation on it's own merits? Clinton hasn't been in office for almost a decade. Lincoln has been dead for over 100 years.
* Why am I not screaming? I Am-The government does get too much of my money. Iraq sucks, Bush sucks.
We agree here! :grin:
I want a smaller less financially intrusive government. The democrats done even pretend they want that. I will keep voting for the people who promise to reduce the size of my government. One of these days one of them I vote for will actually do it.
Are these the reasons why you voted for W? I'm making an assumption here but it seems your pretty strongly in the Republican camp. I doubt you voted for Gore at least. :nice:
The good thing is we get to try again. I'd like to keep more of my own money too. That or at least have it spent in ways I agree with. Maybe you feel the same way. I'd ideally like both those options.
I want smaller gov't too. Let's start by ditching the worthless Dept of Homeland Defense. What a boondoggle Bush created there. Then we can disband the CIA. They're behind every crooked act the gov't has perpetrated in...oh...since their inception.
so..I agree with you on the major pts here. Less government. More money in my pocket. More freedom.
My thoughts are that Obama is the one to get us there. Bush No. 2 just wants to continue the status quo. More war, more cost, more government. Hillary isn't the answer. She's a Washington insider who's colder and more ruthless than Bill.
Obama is the only choice, out of the 3, who is talking about true change. As far as I'm concerned change is what we need. Now, get Ron Paul as his VP and we'll have something.
Ron Paul knows finance. He also has a reputation as a scrooge like skin-flint when it comes to public monies. I like that. I like that a LOT. He also is the most Republican like candidate currently running. Check out his platforms vs. the old school republican ideals. He matches them the most. Course, Fox news won't tell you that because they're "Fair and balanced".