We're watching tv, wife stands up abruptly and goes. "Ohh E36 M3 my water just broke" 2.5 weeks early and more than two weeks before the her mother arrives for the help.
Had to scramble and get a babysitter for overnight. Boring we are not. We are in the hospital now.
Wow! I hope all goes well!
Good luck to you and the misses. I know sleeping on that fold out chair is traumatizing.
2nd baby was born less than a month ago. 1st baby came 3 weeks early. 2nd is night and day calmer and decided she would stick around until due date causing the doctor to induce. I feel for you because of the mad rush. Having my wife induced was great from a "need to get E36 M3 done" perspective. Spent the whole weekend before getting our ducks in a row.
With that said I'm awake with baby 2 right now giving my wife a much deserved break. It's 3:47am here.
Congratulations! I don't want to find out first hand if #3 comes quicker than #1 or #2. I'll live vicariously through y'all. 
9/16/14 6:58 a.m.
Best of luck and medical science to all parties involved! 
Yay! More babies! #3 was quick for us, but #4 was the one where I just about had to do the "man delivers baby in car" thing. Babies come when they want to come. I hope all is well.
Curmudgeon wrote:
Congratulations! I don't want to find out first hand if #3 comes quicker than #1 or #2. I'll live vicariously through y'all.
Don't worry. I'll be sure to tell you every gory detail. :).
No kid yet.
Good luck with Dale Ernhardt.
Congrats! We are waiting out the last couple weeks for our arrival. My boss at work is going nuts he is not looking forward to not having me at my desk for a several days. I will more than likely get back and things will have gotten behind.
Wife is due on Oct 4 so basically it could happen at any moment. We already have the bags packed and in the trunk of the Charger and the baby seat is already in the back. She says that the baby is coming home in the Charger not her Tahoe. She wants him to be able to say he came home in a cool car 
9/16/14 2:02 p.m.
Wow... Ours was planned- literally. She was induced, and when they finally said "berkeley it, c-section" I was still like WTF IS HAPPENING... I can't imagine. Good luck and dog speed!
seriously kid.. It's been like 17+ hours.. give it up..
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine:
Oh what fun. The hurry up and wait game.
Our second was 22 hours. Needless to say the wife was past exhausted at that point.
By number three we were down to measuring in minutes. Sorry this one is dragging out. Not so much for you, but for her. Not fun, or so I'm told/
Congrats early.
Here is a refreshes course: 
In reply to N Sperlo:
I know I did at least two of those wrong. 
Am I a bad person for wanting to see a time lapse of FbC being more and more frazzled as the wait continues?
Congrats, three is a nice round number that you might survive.
Many of my siblings and I have slept in a drawer.
3 minutes shy of 18 hours the little guy decided to make an entrance.
A little boy. So that makes two boys and a girl. With the girl being oldest. God help us all.
Appleseed wrote:
Many of my siblings and I have slept in a drawer.
I, and all my siblings slept in a drawer in Mom and Dads bedroom as infants.
A suitcase also makes for a pretty nice crib when you are travelling.
I suppose we would all be wards of the state if we were born now.
Congrats. My daughter took 22 hours.
babies! i have twins, just over 2 yrs old now. im DONE. i LOVE my kids, but i HATE the thought of having more. im broke enough as it is! Congrats man, teach him well!
Edit: and yeah, ive slept in drawers too. its fine when your 11 lbs, not so much when your 11 years old, MOM!