A gang of Muslim girls who repeatedly kicked a young woman in the head walked free from court after a judge heard they were 'not used to being drunk' because of their religion.
He said he accepted the women may have felt they were the victims of unreasonable force from Rhea's partner Lewis Moore, 23, who tried to defend her from the attack.
I can't even find the words to describe this situation. It's ok because they aren't used to drinking? They felt threatened because the boyfriend fought back, AFTER being attacked?! What the hell is wrong with Britain.
Just glad to hear its not in the US.
EDIT: Of course the headline would have begun with "Four Muslim Women Shot After..."
In reply to N Sperlo:
Where you can get just a suspended license for sending someone to the hospital from drunk driving....
Like it doesn't happen here.
Probation/suspended sentance from assult that doesn't result in hospitalization isn't unheard of.
Here's a good one-
A UM hockey player "threatens" a UM football player's GF, so the football player attacks him from behind, slams him to the ground, which resulted in head and neck injuries.
The FB player got aggirvated assult (not fenonly assult), and the resulting penalty was just court costs. Not even probation.
So don't pretend that this doesn't happen in the US, too.
12/6/11 10:09 a.m.
Sorry, I have to say it. The boyfriend looks like a sissy. If there were 4 women attacking my wife, you would no see me just standing there for any length of time. Once my wife hit the ground I'd be looking to kill those women. He does get some decent blows in, but seems like he's standing around (yelling no doubt) waaaaay more than he's swinging.
Then I'd go bomb a mosque.
Yeah, I know, totally not PC but I'm fired up. I hate seeing any fight that's not one-on-one. I'd not be able to let this go, especially with 6 months probation!
In reply to DrBoost:
Is he afraid to put down his jacket or something? I'd be ripping my shirt off going all kung-fu.
from what I have heard from friends in the UK.. you defend yourself.. you are JUST as guilty in the eyes of the law
In reply to mad_machine:
Even then, he could have done a better job protecting her. The whole thing is just peculiar.
Drewsifer wrote:
I can't even find the words to describe this situation.
I think you did. See your quotes. What you couldn't find was the question mark at the end of the last sentence.
I'm in that kind of mood today.
alfadriver wrote:
So don't pretend that this doesn't happen in the US, too.
Did I? I don't remember saying that.
N Sperlo wrote:
Just glad to hear its not in the US.
EDIT: Of course the headline would have begun with "Four Muslim Women Shot After..."
Oh yea, thats what I said. Yea, still don't see where the hell that came from.
Otto Maddox wrote:
In reply to mad_machine:
Even then, he could have done a better job protecting her. The whole thing is just peculiar.
there is a reason James May has the "man lab" to re-teach British men basic man skills.
In reply to mad_machine:
Maybe Man Skills deserves a learn me thread.
Not to make light of what happened to her, but I kinda wish four drunk women would try that E36 M3 on me.
I'm in that kind of mood today. 
honestly, for the man involved in that fight. I would not want to have to deal with 4 drunken women out to have a fight.
They have him in numbers AND dirtyness
Yep, I don't believe in hitting a woman. However, attack my wife in front of me, and I will do whatever I need to, to protect her. Period.
theres a huge soft spot in the UK for muslim practicing people where law an policy is concerned - there has been a huge influx of people of muslim faith there, and the policy is changing dramatically following suit.
Its really quite shocking the long standing policies etc that have changed in the last decade as a result of the vast demographic change.
i have a lot of other comments I want to make, but will refrain
mad_machine wrote:
They have him in numbers AND dirtyness
but I have them in terms of soberness and brawn...Id be putting some people in ICU if that crap went down with SWMBO...
4cylndrfury wrote:
i have a lot of other comments I want to make, but will refrain
You're not alone in that. I will say that demographic really one way or the other shouldn't matter in a case like this. It should make a difference in the prosecution whether I a group of white people attacked a Somali immigrant or the other way around. A seemingly random, senseless assault is totally unacceptable and it's really a damn shame that the citizenry in the UK can't legally arm themselves.
mad_machine wrote:
They have him in numbers AND dirtyness
I would have them in firepower. TRY KICKIN MY HEAD!
< it's really a damn shame that the citizenry in the UK can't legally arm themselves.
They are subjects
MG_Bryan wrote:
4cylndrfury wrote:
i have a lot of other comments I want to make, but will refrain
You're not alone in that. I will say that demographic really one way or the other shouldn't matter in a case like this. It should make a difference in the prosecution whether I a group of white people attacked a Somali immigrant or the other way around. A seemingly random, senseless assault is totally unacceptable and it's really a damn shame that the citizenry in the UK can't legally arm themselves.
King George the 3rd - helping Americans look like badasses since 1776
You aren't allowed to defend your self in the UK. That is what the government is for and this is how they do it.
If you own a shop and a shoplifter steals from you and you stop him physically you go to jail for longer than he does.
Of course many wont speak out about the "religion of peace" in the UK because they will be charged with a crime.
If these girls were in Iran, they would be stoned or hung from a crane for getting drunk.