So I have 3 pairs of speakers that I'd like to run at the same time with one of the channels being switchable. Total output will need to be a minimum of 600w with 800 being ideal. (Minimum of 100w per a speaker on the mains and 50w per on the switchable). The main speakers are a pair of magnepan 1.4s and a pair of magnepan SMGc's, they lack the bass that I like when listening to hip hop, but I LOVE them when listening to anything else. So I'd like my klispch KG4s to be able to be turned on to run in conjunction. The KG4s are much more efficient of a speaker, which is why the output to their channels doesn't need to be as high.
And amp autocorrected to and in the thread title :(
How about ditching the Klipsch's and DIY a subwoofer?
I have a 5.1 setup consisting of Magnepan MMGs and a DIY tapped horn.

That sub, with a monoblock amp can be done for less that $200. It is mostly flat (dip at 80 Hz), 100 dB from 18 Hz to 100 Hz if memory serves me.
I have no real wood working skills and I built that in a day.
This way, you can enjoy the beauty of thr maggies all the time, and have bass when you want it.
I have a 12" downfiring sub that I could hook up for bass only and go 4.1 but the Klipsch are much cleaner then either of the subs that I have. Part of me wants to heat the 6 channel setup to see if the Klipsch add depth as well, as is the case in my smaller space running multiple sets of bookshelves, or if the Maggie's are so superior that they just muddy the sound.
I suppose if you wanted the Klipsch to supplement the Maggies, you'd want something like a miniDSP HD and send it line level signal from a receiver (needs pre-outs to accomplish) and send the line level outputs to 4 channels of amplifier.
But I wouldn't recommend that. For the same price you could just do the subwoofer and be done with it. And be less of a pain in the rear to boot.
Yeah, seems like keeping the klipsch is the hardest way to to get the least returns.
DIY a sub anf be done with it. That sub I built is true audiophile quality and can keep up with the maggies quite well. That's part of the strength of a horn, they are quick. Maggies are VERY quick.