...of Spam. Today, July 5th is the 80th Spamiversary.
years and years and years ago, my friends and I were at a restaurant. All of us were big Monty Python fans and one of them thought it would be cute to say "I don't like spam" in that pepperpot voice. The rest of us joined into a chorus of "spamspamspamspamspamlovelyspam" without any planning or fore knowledge. It just spontaneously happened.
That was when the friend who did the "I don't like spam" realized his future wife was a keeper, she didn't roll her eyes, she joined in
I love SPAM. My family loves SPAM. Unfortunately my doctor who is monitoring my cholesterol does not like that I like SPAM.
Huh I thought this was going to be on the recently surfaced Amelia Earhart picture thing.
But glorious canned ham like substance is also acceptable.
SPAM story time!
I spent four months on a NATO base in Afghanistan. The best place to eat breakfast on the base was the German DFAC because quite frankly I got sick of powdered eggs really quick and I'd rather eat lunch meat for "breakfast" which was really my dinner.
So one day I walk in and see that they have french toast. Well I went nuts because I hadn't seen real breakfast in there in a while. So I grab some drop some butter and syrup on it take a bite.... and it's SPAM slices that someone had cooked on the short order grill. That was disappointing.
trucke wrote: Wow! This is too fun!![]()
My uncle, a Marine in the Pacific during WWII, told us that this happened to him. Spam was hard to come by stateside. Grandma thought she'd send him a hard-to-get-stateside treat.
Personally, I like Spam Fried Rice from the Hawaiian place down the street. I'm not sure who's appropriating whose culture, there, but it sure is tasty.
My wife is from Cebu SPAM is a luxury food of the privileged. I send box's of it back to her family when ever we get a chance. Costco sells it by the case.
I had SPAM and eggs yesterday! FYI, the bacon flavored SPAM has (quite surprisingly) significantly lower sodium than regular SPAM.
The best cure for a hangover ever is a Loco Moco made with Spam Fried Rice.
Also, grilled Spam is the shiznit.
slantvaliant wrote: Personally, I like Spam Fried Rice from the Hawaiian place down the street. I'm not sure who's appropriating whose culture, there, but it sure is tasty.
A lot of the Pacific islands have a big population of Asian decent and got sent Liberty ships full of Spam during World War II. The locals ended up trying to fit it into their own recipes.
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