pilotbraden wrote:
nderwater wrote:
Anybody know what happens if you put 50:1 mix in the tank?
It lubes the fuel pump. I always burn left over mix, for the chainsaw, in my trucks.
I put old/leftover kart fuel (up to 16:1 mix) in my '07 Tahoe on a regular basis with no issues. (and it's usually 98 octane race fuel).
If you dump too much pre-mix into a car with a catalytic converter, I have been told it might mess it up.
I used to run 4 ounces or so of 2 stroke per tank of gasoline in my RX-7 and didn't have a problem.
Joining the "just fired up my mower (today!) with the gas that was in it this fall" camp.
First pull too.
Are you sure there was gasoline in that can ?
I once picked up a can that I thought was gas,turned out it was kerosene. Much smoke and pinging.
My lawn mower and snow blower set for 7-8 months with gas in them. Always start right up.
nderwater wrote:
Anybody know what happens if you put 50:1 mix in the tank?
You get this sans the wings...

Sat and thought about the complete history of the jug in question, and it has never seen anything but gas. I actually have another jug for stuff like old paint thinner and such, so I know it was nothing like that. I considered that maybe a mouse crawled in and decomposed, but it has a newfangled spout with a shutoff, so that isn't the problem. The only possibility that I can see is that the PO of my lawn tractor had something other than gas in it when I bought it last year. But the tractor ran fine last year on this gas, so it is doubtful. I therefore officially blame it on Rick Santorum.
You asked us what to do with old gas. We told you. You should have asked "what do I do with old gas, dead mice, water, unknown crud from a used lawnmower and Obama stickers?" There's a different answer for that.
Ian F
3/28/12 7:46 p.m.
The funny part to me is I take crap gas from my cars and dump it in my lawn mower to get rid of it... not the other way around...
I mowed the lawn yesterday and used 8 year old gas that I drained from te GTI stored in the garage. Mower ran fine on it.
I thought about telling you not to throw old gas in your car, and now I've lost the opportunity to say "I told you so." I'm sad to miss such an opportunity.