I just submitted the materials for my latest book. I've been working on this for a year, and working hard on it for three months. No fun allowed over the past six weeks or so, just constant writing and revising and research and rereading. Now it's off to the layout elves and editor fairies.
I'm free! I'm not going to know what to do with myself. Time to get back to work on Nigel Brimstone, the LS-powered MGB.
10/14/09 2:12 p.m.
Whats the topic?
I know how I felt when I handed in my forty something page seminar in law school. Instantly felt 100 lbs lighter.
I will give you a dollar if this picture ends up in your book
I like the Duke's AAAAAAAAAAh! gif. Can't stop watching. John, if only you'd sent me that picture yesterday I could have put it in. But today is too late.
It's a book on Miata performance, believe it or not. Not a "how to", a "why to". Basically a brain dump.
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
10/14/09 5:09 p.m.
I like the "I just had an ekg" bald patches.
My first thought was "is that a Spec 2 or a Toomey expansion chamber, and is it for an RD350, early or late 400?"
That's messed up.