A local dealer here in New Zealand has two identically priced vehicles on offer: '85 Dodge Ram http://www.craiggilbertmotors.co.nz/vehicle-detail-6602.html
or a '89 Nissan Skyline GT-R
There is a market for older American vehicles here, and this dealer regularly buys vehicles from the US. His main business is selling imported JDM mainstream vehicles.
I thought there was a world of difference between the two vehicles, one a tidy truck (nothing special), the other a neo-classic supercar, both for the same asking price.
2/8/13 2:22 a.m.
That is seriously the nicest Ram I have ever seen. Still wondering if they meant 318 or 360 with the 5400 cc thing.
Between the two of them though? Ram all the way. It'll last longer, be more useful, more reliable. The shape it's in now means you'd probably get 30 years out of the thing easily.
Skyline, simply because we never got them in the States. But, things may be different in New Zealand.
What are your driving plans? What about parts? These things would sway my choice.
Well, I can get an 84 Ram with 40,000 miles much cheaper. the R32 would be my choice
truck seems over priced by US standards. Skyline is cool, can't comment on price as we can't get those cars here. Guess it depends on your needs. That truck may be too nice to use as a 'truck' if you need a serious work horse.
85, auto, gas engined Ram or a 4x4 GTR Supercar
Seriously, unless this is a work vehicle, the GTR all the way, every day
Wow that truck is clean. I would enjoy the Nissan more, but if you are in to older American trucks then go for the Dodge. I am trying to picture the looks on my friends faces over here, if I came home with an 80's pick-up compared to a Skyline GTR. 
2/8/13 7:52 a.m.
For US dollars they are closer to $15k. Skyline all the way for that cash.
That's a nice Ram, but not a $15K Ram. If there aren't that many in NZ then it might make for an interesting collectible to take to cruise nights. But you would really have to love an '80's Ram to spend that.
Well, this is a comparison I never thought I'd see. 
aussiesmg wrote:
85, auto, gas engined Ram or a 4x4 GTR Supercar
Seriously, unless this is a work vehicle, the GTR all the way, every day
If you weren't looking for a work vehicle, this was a dumb question. Get that R32 NOW.
2/8/13 11:54 a.m.
Grizz wrote:
That is seriously the nicest Ram I have ever seen. Still wondering if they meant 318 or 360 with the 5400 cc thing.
Between the two of them though? Ram all the way. It'll last longer, be more useful, more reliable. The shape it's in now means you'd probably get 30 years out of the thing easily.
318 is the closest to that.......so I'll guess that. However, I would be amazed if that truck here in the states in that shape would pull more than $5k US. AFAIK, the J-series jeeps are more popular.
Hnnnnnnnggggggggggg R32 R32 R32 yussss please!!!!!!!!!
Ian F
2/8/13 12:25 p.m.
That GTR will be 25 years old next year... 
The truck? If it was a few years newer with a Cummins, sure... but as-is... no. But hey, them folks down under are a bit odd... spending all that time on their heads... 
2/8/13 12:31 p.m.
yamaha wrote:
318 is the closest to that.......so I'll guess that. However, I would be amazed if that truck here in the states in that shape would pull more than $5k US. AFAIK, the J-series jeeps are more popular.
Imported vehicle is my guess. If it's rare the price jumps. But yeah, over here that'd be 4-5 grand.
And I guess I'm the odd one out for preferring the truck. I look at it as the price range for a used midsize pickup without all of the complicated E36 M3 to break and need expensive parts to fix.
Bout the only Skyline I'd want to own is a GTS-t.
Good lord, BUY THE SKYLINE!!!!
Then make a build thread!
Lol. Everyone is looking at this with American glasses on. Sure that truck is a $4-5k truck here but it was imported there and probably as rare as a R32 GTR here. You guys know that skylines were not exclusively available in Japan right?
2/8/13 1:30 p.m.
Everyone I have ever talked to who went to Japan and bought a skyline got rid of it almost immediately.
Buy neither, waste your money on something better.
Skylines of various trim levels were all over Okinawa when I was there. I was quite a bit more interested in the micro cars though.
At any rate, I don't really see the cost of either of the OP's links being outrageous.
That's a bit of an earlier Skyline anyway. Might not rise to the level of "Supercar'
2/8/13 2:33 p.m.
In reply to Anti-stance:
I pine for kei cars but I don't think I'd fit in them. 
Then again...
Ian F wrote:
That GTR will be 25 years old next year...
The truck? If it was a few years newer with a Cummins, sure... but as-is... no. But hey, them folks down under are a bit odd... spending all that time on their heads...
I know I got that itch too for a 90 mazda cosmo 20b...
Ian F wrote:
That GTR will be 25 years old next year...
i'm counting down time and trying to count up cash for that special time for when i can have an r32 GTR imported to me legally without having to jump through the federalization hoops.
I have a special love for the 72-93 D-Series/Ram.