7/6/15 7:41 a.m.
So, this weekend 9 people were killed by gunfire and at least 47 others were injured. In a certain city in the US. Why will it not even make the news? Where is the outrage? Where is the President on these murders? If there were only a flag we could ban in response to this to prevent future attacks. The lack of media coverage of this when they focus on other shootings in other cities is perplexing to me.
7/6/15 7:42 a.m.
7/6/15 7:47 a.m.
The sad thing is that this is becoming so common, that we are being de-sensitized to these events.
We should be outraged!
Matt B
7/6/15 7:49 a.m.
For what it's worth, I watched CNN for less than five minutes yesterday and they were covering this with more than a sound-bite-then-move-on approach. I suppose it may be one of the two days a year when it's easy to mask gunfire. Either that or it's a national drinking holiday. Probably both.
Yup. Heard some gun shots the other day. It was so normal I slowly walked to my partner, laughed and said, "gunshots again". Come to find out, a guy was killed four blocks away. 
I was surprised to not read about any homicides this week. I did see two pedestrians were injured during a "rolling shooting".
9 dead and 53 injured ... in about 50 separate incidents. Man, these guys need some range time. That is just an outrageously terrible kill ratio.
T.J. wrote:
So, this weekend 9 people were killed by gunfire and at least 47 others were injured. In a certain city in the US. Why will it not even make the news? Where is the outrage? Where is the President on these murders? If there were only a flag we could ban in response to this to prevent future attacks. The lack of media coverage of this when they focus on other shootings in other cities is perplexing to me.
So the flag thing is a completely separate issue, and I bet you know that, but it's really not productive to try and mux these two issues together. What do you want, a serious discussion of gun culture and gun availability that exists in this country today? A lot of people don't. Really really don't.
In reply to pres589:
It happened in a city with some of the toughest gun laws in the country. It's almost as if the shooters had as little regard for the law as the do the lives of others.
In reply to Wally:
It's almost like the city is surrounded by the country with what might be described as the loosest gun laws in the world, making your point fairly moot. Never mind the culture aspect I brought up.
It's almost like this isn't a serious discussion, and the two sides are more worried about being right than making incremental improvements to the situation.
Wait, are we talking about Illinois?
I had to have my drivers license handy and a check of my criminal record to buy a BB gun. These are not the loosest gun laws around.
In reply to Beer Baron:
What the BERK can I do about it when there's so much fear that the status quo might actually have to change to improve things? "Gah they're coming after my guns again, it's always that pesky Obama that keeps taking my guns all the time, and those meddling kids!".
Are there any gang members on the forum who would like to chime in and say what it would take to get you to use knives and/or hammers instead of range weapons? I think we can all agree that you guys killing each other is a good thing and no one wants that to end - but the collateral damage is really off-putting.
Maybe if you had a standard or banner you could fly to let others know the whereabouts of a battle, so they could call the kids inside and hunker down...
7/6/15 8:34 a.m.
And how many of them were gang on gang? I'd wager that if you take care of the gang violence, you take care of 90% of the issues. The city is working on it. The improvements are just slow to materialize. But case in point, 20 years ago Logan Square was really, really dangerous. Last week I was looking at apartments there before deciding it would be too much of a commute. In the past, you would never venture south of Congress. I'm now looking at apartments in the South Loop. Not the south side yet, but still a place that if I told my Grandpa where I was looking he would freak out. Same deal with my fiance looking at a job at University of Chicago.
In reply to wvumtnbkr:
A basic background check, really? Isn't it irrespective of the type of gun? I realize a BB gun is pretty benign but is there another country where it's easier to get a gun?
7/6/15 8:40 a.m.
If drugs were legalized My guess is that moat of the gangs would be out if business and a lot of the violence as well. There would still be plenty if drug related crime I'd guess because a junky needing a fix is going to do what they can to get one.
I don't think this is a case where gun laws are the issue. Other than to demonstrate their ineffectivness.
In reply to T.J.:
Agreed on drug legalization 100%.
In reply to pres589:
Totally mis-understood your post. I thought you meant country like "out in the country". I didn't realize you were referring to 'Merica.
wvumtnbkr wrote:
Wait, are we talking about Illinois?
I had to have my drivers license handy and a check of my criminal record to buy a BB gun. These are not the loosest gun laws around.
no, but here's a true story.
Someone I know really really well (who at the time lived in WI), and his father-in-law who lives in IL, walk into a Cabellas just across the IL boarder in IN. Cabellas has a great deal on ammo that day, with a 4-per-person limit.
The two shoppers are obviously together, and come through the cashier's line one right after the other. The FIL goes first, is asked what state he lives in, responds IL, and needs all kinds of documentation, license, FOID card, etc, etc. Grilled by cashier. The WI guy responds that he lives in WI, and NEEDS NOTHING BUT MONEY TO WALK OUT OF THE STORE WITH 4 BOXES OF AMMO. SERIOUSLY, THE CASHIER DIDN'T EVEN ASK FOR A DRIVERS LICENSE TO PROVE THE WI GUY LIVED IN WI.
Unfortunately, it probably helped that both men are white, have clean teeth, and don't smell strongly of anything. But it shouldn't.
Tight gun laws, maybe, but really big 'loopholes'.
pres589 wrote:
In reply to T.J.:
Agreed on drug legalization 100%.
Because organized crime magically vanished after prohibition ended.
7/6/15 9:00 a.m.
rcutclif wrote:
wvumtnbkr wrote:
Wait, are we talking about Illinois?
I had to have my drivers license handy and a check of my criminal record to buy a BB gun. These are not the loosest gun laws around.
no, but here's a true story.
Someone I know really really well (who at the time lived in WI), and his father-in-law who lives in IL, walk into a Cabellas just across the IL boarder in IN. Cabellas has a great deal on ammo that day, with a 4-per-person limit.
The two shoppers are obviously together, and come through the cashier's line one right after the other. The FIL goes first, is asked what state he lives in, responds IL, and needs all kinds of documentation, license, FOID card, etc, etc. Grilled by cashier. The WI guy responds that he lives in WI, and NEEDS NOTHING BUT MONEY TO WALK OUT OF THE STORE WITH 4 BOXES OF AMMO. SERIOUSLY, THE CASHIER DIDN'T EVEN ASK FOR A DRIVERS LICENSE TO PROVE THE WI GUY LIVED IN WI.
Unfortunately, it probably helped that both men are white, have clean teeth, and don't smell strongly of anything. But it shouldn't.
Tight gun laws, maybe, but really big 'loopholes'.
My brother went to school in Minnesota. He went to try to buy a shotgun, since he loved hunting, and he had to go to a Gander Mountain because the local Mom and Pops wouldn't sell to him since he was an Illinois resident. Too much paperwork.
In reply to rcutclif:
I am from PA and they still had me do all that stuff ( In Illinios) because I didn't have a FOID car (again, this was for a BB gun).
These shootings we are talking about are in Illinois, right (Chicago)?
neon4891 wrote:
pres589 wrote:
In reply to T.J.:
Agreed on drug legalization 100%.
Because organized crime magically vanished after prohibition ended.
Yes. That is exactly what I said would happen. If we legalize drugs crime will completely vanish forever and ever. That was exactly what I said would happen for sure. Very astute observation of what I think will happen.