Agreed that it's a shame it took 10 years. But I still bet I could have written a sufficient bill in less than 5 pages. Probably 1 page, but they do seem to love their bigass margins and double spacing in DC.
A. 9/11 responders are hereby granted access to full VA healthcare benefits in accordance with their service in response to a military attack on our nation.
B. 9/11 responders are hereby classified as those who were working in the rescue and recovery response at the World Trade Center site, and the Pentagon, from the dates 9/11/01, to 9/30/01.
C. Anyone applying for the above benefits who is found to have falsified their service in accordance with Part B will be drawn and quartered on the first dawn following a conviction of fraud, by 4 rednecks in domestic pickup trucks.
BAM! Did it in 3 sentences.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
Agreed that it's a shame it took 10 years. But I still bet I could have written a sufficient bill in less than 5 pages. Probably 1 page, but they do seem to love their bigass margins and double spacing in DC.
A. 9/11 responders are hereby granted access to full VA healthcare benefits in accordance with their service in response to a military attack on our nation.
B. 9/11 responders are hereby classified as those who were working in the rescue and recovery response at the World Trade Center site, and the Pentagon, from the dates 9/11/01, to 9/30/01.
C. Anyone applying for the above benefits who is found to have falsified their service in accordance with Part B will be drawn and quartered on the first dawn following a conviction of fraud, by 4 rednecks in domestic pickup trucks.
BAM! Did it in 3 sentences.
What I love about this post is that those who freaked out about loopholes etc.. Can't find any... and therefore need to pick on other things. Thats funnay.
2 problems with your wording.
These attacks were not "Military" your bill is now void..
Your clause B could exclude people like Wally...
DILYSI Dave wrote:
2. If Wally was part of the rescue and recovery, why would it exclude him? If he was not, then normal worker's comp should apply should it not?
Your definition isn't strong enough..
How do you pay for this bill? Cause I won't vote for it if it increases the deficit.
I don't mean to be a jerk.. I only mean to point out that crafting legislation is extremely hard. If you think you can do better, run for office. What you wrote wouldn't stand up in court in 2 seconds...
Ignorant wrote:
DILYSI Dave wrote:
2. If Wally was part of the rescue and recovery, why would it exclude him? If he was not, then normal worker's comp should apply should it not?
Your definition isn't strong enough..
How do you pay for this bill?
Standard VA funding. It adds what, 10,000 people to the VA roles, but there is a funding and admin system already in place. No need to invent new bureaucracies to do the same thing. Yes, VA will need an incremental bump in it's funding, but that is far more efficient than creating a new system for a small and limited group to receive basically the same services.
The VA is a horrible system that I don't think I would wish on anyone. Getting my benefits has been a absolute PITA.
But I'm glad this finally happened. It's a shame it took this long and a joke news show to get it done.
Drewsifer wrote:
The VA is a horrible system that I don't think I would wish on anyone. Getting my benefits has been a absolute PITA.
Indeed, My father in law paid for coverage out of his pocket, rather than go to the VA. He now has medicare and still refuses VA care.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
Ignorant wrote:
DILYSI Dave wrote:
Agreed that it's a shame it took 10 years. But I still bet I could have written a sufficient bill in less than 5 pages. Probably 1 page, but they do seem to love their bigass margins and double spacing in DC.
A. 9/11 responders are hereby granted access to full VA healthcare benefits in accordance with their service in response to a military attack on our nation.
B. 9/11 responders are hereby classified as those who were working in the rescue and recovery response at the World Trade Center site, and the Pentagon, from the dates 9/11/01, to 9/30/01.
C. Anyone applying for the above benefits who is found to have falsified their service in accordance with Part B will be drawn and quartered on the first dawn following a conviction of fraud, by 4 rednecks in domestic pickup trucks.
BAM! Did it in 3 sentences.
What I love about this post is that those who freaked out about loopholes etc.. Can't find any... and therefore need to pick on other things. Thats funnay.
2 problems with your wording.
1. These attacks were not "Military" your bill is now void..
2. Your clause B could exclude people like Wally...
1. We can eliminate the word military if you would like.
2. If Wally was part of the rescue and recovery, why would it exclude him? If he was not, then normal worker's comp should apply should it not?
The air smelled just as bad in January as it did in September, and not everyone affected was a recovery worker. People that lived and worked in the area were told that the dust was harmless, just give the place a good vacumming when they got home.
12/24/10 1:49 p.m.
Drewsifer wrote:
... and a joke news show to get it done.
Also a shame that joke news show was the most trusted source for news last year.
12/24/10 1:59 p.m.
Strizzo wrote:
Drewsifer wrote:
... and a joke news show to get it done.
Also a shame that joke news show was the most trusted source for news last year.
You mean "trusted by those who share viewpoints"?
There are precious few sources that will invest their resources to research and report on all the facets relative to any issue.
There are far fewer consumers who would actually pay attention if it were available.
I think John Stewart gets 80% credit for making it happen. No one knew about it (thanks media) until he mentioned it on multiple episodes. I think having the responders on his last episode was just enough to get the right people involved.
And at least "his viepoints" care about those who gave thier lives and health to save others.
How come it took so long for Giuliani to hop on his soapbox and mention something related to 9/11?
Republicans don't care about first responder people. Maybe because the cost contributed to the deficit.
Sure cared a lot about cutting rich people a break on taxes! Maybe because the cost of this tax break contributed to the defi..oh added to the deficit too! DOH!

Merry Christmas folks!
Xceler8x wrote:
Republicans don't care about first responder people. Maybe because the cost contributed to the deficit.
Sure cared a lot about cutting rich people a break on taxes! Maybe because the cost of this tax break contributed to the defi..oh added to the deficit too! DOH!
Merry Christmas folks!
You and me are gonna be friends.. I can tell..