5/2/12 12:29 p.m.
i love my van, it has 150,000 miles. but, it has a stumble and stall issue. it isnt consistent at all. it will do it 4 or 5 times a day then not do it for a week maybe 2. it doesnt matter if it is full or on fumes or even half a tank. it doesnt matter if its cool or hot out. and if the ground is even or the van is on a up or down slope. i am guessing fuel pressure... thinking of dropping the tank maybe this weekend and replacing the fuel filter. kind of at a loss.. what say you all knowing grm folk?
Probably fuel system related. Do you have a way to check the fuel pressure?
5/2/12 1:14 p.m.
Anti-stance wrote:
Probably fuel system related. Do you have a way to check the fuel pressure?
i can call a buddy of mine who i would bet has a tool for testing it.
5/2/12 1:16 p.m.
oh and it doesnt do it at highway speed.
When it stalls does it crank right back up or do you have to let it sit awhile? If you have to let it sit before it will crank again I would check the Hall Effect unit.
BARNCA wrote:
oh and it doesnt do it at highway speed.
If it was fuel pressure related, it would suck as you accelerated.
Has this been going on longer than the last tank full of gas? Sounds similar to crappy gas or lots of condensation in the tank.
5/2/12 6:45 p.m.
thats what i thought but it will do it real randomly... and i get gas at the same place.. not that it means anything.. its really kinda odd. s i think i may start with the fuel filter...
Fuel filter is a good bet, if there is trash in the line it could be blocking the filter until the pressure is reduced (fuel flow stops) and not always re-clog predictably.