My buddy has to replace the fuel pump in his 98 landrover discovery II. Hes not a gear head in any way shape or form. He thinks he has to drop the tank to do it But I'm guessing you can access the pump from under the carpet.
Can I get some advise from you, oh wise and powerful GRM know it alls? Are there any weird 1/2 year changes, fitting differences etc.?
No Landrover know it all, but here's a link to doing the job on a 96.
I saw that link before I posted. But I didn't know if the 98 and 96 were similar.
No dropping of tank. Pull back carpet in back and you will find it just fine. Dont forget to pull the pump straight up then tilt to the right when you get to the float. If your buddy isnt mechanical now he will be after owning a Rover for a while 
Ojala wrote:
If your buddy isnt mechanical now he will be after owning a Rover for a while
Nah, thats what hes got me for.