Oddly enough she seems a bit more mature than her age would indicate. I think it has to do with the fact she has worked since she was like 13 (just like me). So we actually have not found the whole age thing to be a problem, except for if I want to go to the bar when she is with me lol.
It is good that she is mature for her age. I am 22 and I don't think I could stand a 19 year old...I even hate myself as a 19 year old...
7/11/09 11:59 p.m.
rebelgtp wrote:
Oddly enough she seems a bit more mature than her age would indicate. I think it has to do with the fact she has worked since she was like 13 (just like me). So we actually have not found the whole age thing to be a problem, except for if I want to go to the bar when she is with me lol.
Yeah, there's the drinking thing. But it's not just maturity level. A lot of it is place-in-life. My life/values/plans/etc. shifted a ton when I went from being in college to actually getting my first real job.
It's just on my mind because a good buddy got into a relationship with a younger gal, despite my strong caution. It didn't work out. The age difference was only one of many issues though.
Oh yeah things always change as you get older so we will see how things go. I seem to get along with her better than most women my age or even those her age kinda weird but we work.
Some times two people click, regardless of the age difference. Sounds like you've got a good thing going, hopefully you guys stay strong together.
like everyone else said, congrats bro, its freakin awesome when kismet or serendipity or whatever happens. When the stars align and all that crap, its just really great.
enough sappy crap...get us pics of her wrenching that olds onto this forum, or I will create a program that will eject the CD drive on your PC so fast, it will be the equivalent of a punch in the face
New Reader
7/12/09 8:10 p.m.
I just checked out your profile and instantly missed my old,haggard '78 Regal.
I picked it up about three years ago for $500 and the very first thing I did was visit the local left-turners and procure about a dozen or so 1/8" alignment shims.I stuffed them all in the upper A-arm mounts in a configuration I reasoned would give me the maximum amount of positive caster while netting a fair amount of negative camber.
That car was a blast to toss around.
Oh,and congrats on the gear-head girl.The "looks cute without make-up" type are definitely the way to go. The fact that she likes to wrench on cars is icing on the cake.My wife is the same way,I still haven't figured out what she sees in me,though.Either she is actually attracted to Neanderthals or I had a stroke of good luck for once.
Jed any suggestions on getting the Olds to handle would be greatly appreciated. Seems like most people only care about stuffing 20's under then or drag racing with them.
Yeah I'm lucky to have found yet another gear head girl, I have been with several. And yeah I feel the same way about my GF wondering why the heck she would want to be with me lol, guess I'm just lucky.
New Reader
7/14/09 2:44 a.m.
If there are any "stock car" racers(dirt oval) in your area I'm sure they would have a surplus of GM Metric front suspension alignment shims.Most that I have encountered usually replace the shims with washers but still have a box or two of shims on hand for the same reason I still have the tail pipes from my last Mustang though the car is long gone;They might come in handy some day.
Anyway,once the procurement of said shims is complete stuff as many as is safely possible on the rear bolt of the upper A-arm mount between the pivot shaft and the frame mount(with the weight of the front of the car supported by jack stands and a trust worthy jack under the lower A-arm should it need to be lifted to ease installation).When all is said and done the upper ball joint should be noticeably rearward of the lower ball joint.Depending on the amount of shims you install it may actually be necessary to put a few on the front bolt between the pivot shaft and the mount in order to get the shaft seated properly.I'm not sure how much +caster and -camber you will gain,I'm not even sure how much I gained but I know it was a LOT!
When the stock pickup points are used the camber curve of the G-Body front suspension sucks.At full extension the amount of negative camber is at it's greatest but when the suspension is fully compressed it loses the negative camber and actually gains a few degrees of positive.Kinda the opposite of what would be ideal.That's why I went overboard with the Regal front suspension.I'm sure I gained a lot of bumpsteer but I wasn't really concerned with that at the time and to tell you the truth I never noticed any.You WILL notice the so called "jacking effect" of massive amounts of positive caster;when the steering wheel is turned to the right,for instance,the left front corner of the car will drop a bit.This may dilute the initial turn-in due to unloading the left front tire and suspension but overall grip will be increased.As for the rear suspension I,if I were to build a G-Body to my liking,would look into either an F-body or Grand National torque arm and panhard bar along with stiffer springs ,dampers and sway bars...etc.There's a lot of good info on TurboBuicks.com and 90% of it,if not more,applies to your Cutlass.Sorry about the long post but I love suspensions.It's what I do,it's my thing.
Jed actually that is who I got the car from. My uncles brother is a dirt racer but they closed all the tracks around here, so he gave me this car he had laying around for free title and all. I will check and see if they have any in the shed, he has a muncie 4 spd I'm going to grab up as well.
You're only as old as the women you feel.