I owned a big bike shop in CT for 25 years. Rode freestyle, race, street, ramps, trails till I was in my 50's. Three times over the bars one night grinding ledges got me thinking maybe I wasn't in my 20's anymore so I dialed back what I would do.
Raced all over the country from Cape Cod to Orange Y and Orlando to Track 2000 in Canada. Raced class & cruiser but 18+ expert at nationals got tough when I got into my 40's.
I was hardcore. Many trips to the ER over the years. Once you get above locals and regionals certain classes at nationals, the Grands, World Cup, Gold Cup, and World championships get rough. Broke my hand at a track in practice trying to manual a set of doubles in the first straight full speed. Had the docs remake the cast so I could slide that hand onto the handlebar grip and won both days at a National the following weekend. Broke my spleen in practice at a Gold Cup Qualifier doing a look back on a step jump into drop off in Phili, overshot the landing. Did everything "right" for the crash (Pitch bike, try to roll , etc.) just too high so spleen exploded without getting a scratch. It hurt really, really, really, bad but I was stupid and raced anyway because I didn't want to travel 1000 miles to get to a different qualifier. Won cruiser & came pretty close to killing myself because I was bleeding internally, stupid move. A few days in ICU then exploratory surgery to remove the spleen remnants they could find and stop bleeders, got a huge "zipper" and 6 weeks later I was on the Podium at the World Championships. Ya, I was hardcore.
My first race bike was back when a lot of us still had coaster brakes, had to set your pedals just right when jumping doubles or the brake would be locked when you landed if you backpedaled a little mid flight. I rode every production bike mentioned previously in this thread along with lots of the other obscure early bikes. My favorite cruiser was a custom built Cyclecraft cruiser with 24 X 1/38" wheels, chromed, very few chrome Cyclecrafts made. Favorite 20" race bike was a S&M Challenger. Street & ramps was a Hoffman SD-4. Unfortunately, all were stolen.
Currently have an Eastern Jane, mid school Redline PL 20, couple other old school frames along with the #3 Evel Knievel frame/fork frameset never built. I was a Hoffman dealer from the time Mat started and we talked about the Evel bike many times before they made the first batch. I grew up an Evel fan destroying helmets and snapping mini bikes and small dirt bikes in half trying to jump like Evel. I kept telling Mat I wanted one as soon as they were released. First one I got was # 3 so I hung it on the wall and wouldn't sell it. Received more after that to sell and have kept the #3 unbuilt the past 18 years. Then when the completes came out I sold those as well as the 2nd Edition.
Me, riding trails about 25-30 years ago. Forget what bike it is but note the Hutch pedals and we weren't wearing shin guards yet at that time. Still have deep scars from those days.