I see the following done on this forum a lot and it is driving me crazy. Someone will post a screenshot of their text message exchange with someone from their phone and it will have the following characteristics:
1) Its a HUGE image. I just saw one in another thread that was 1170 x 2080 and had like 6 lines of text.
2) The actual content (useful information, humor, etc.) contained within that text is near zero.
First world problem I guess.
Call me disappointed. I came looking to read a rant about a bad experience you had trying to talk to the dead.
I'm not even sure this qualifies as a minor rant.
Places that list a medium sized anything as their smallest size offering.
That's the medium rant I was hoping for.
I feel like you could be talking about me. I should learn to resize the embedded youtube videos that I finally learned to imbed.
Or me. Almost all my forum stuff is from the phone, so i don't see it in real size
What's been bugging me is stuff looks normal on my phone, but on my computer my screenshots are huge, and that awesome 12k image I found (exaggerating for emphasis) looks like a thumbnail. Meanwhile actual pictures I take with my phone look large, but still smaller than a screenshot when viewed on a laptop.
I don’t think I’ve ever viewed this forum from a computer.