Mikey52_1 wrote: And then there's the question of being taken seriously...I mean, do our own wives even take us seiously?
we can work that into our slogan
Mikey52_1 wrote: And then there's the question of being taken seriously...I mean, do our own wives even take us seiously?
we can work that into our slogan
Like it or not, she's right about a lot of things. I disagree with some of what she says; for instance I think that there should be reasonable environmental regulations and pollution control, but just like she points out a lot of so called progressives are every bit as wasteful as the non progressives they hate. Chief among those: Al 'do as I say, not as I do' Gore.
And about good ol' Van Jones: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/44/2009/09/06/van_jones_resigns.html
http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2009/09/controversial-obama-administration-official-denies-being-part-of-911-truther-movement-apologizes-for.html He was signer # 46.
From the ABC News article: In 2005 Jones told the East Bay Express that the acquittal of Rodney King's assailants in 1992 in that infamous police brutality case changed him significantly. "I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th," he said. "By August, I was a communist."
Link to the 'truther' petition: http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20041026093059633 I'll save you some time: name 46 (Jones) was 'removed by request on 9/10/2009'.
Both far end of the spectrum sides are just about completely off their rockers, only about different things. As always, the most workable solution for a lot of problems lies somewhere in the middle but that's not where the book sales and other recognition are. Like Hess always says, follow da money.
Jensenman wrote: Both far end of the spectrum sides are just about completely off their rockers, only about different things.
Like Hess always says, follow da money.
Not everyone does things "for the money". For instance, I work on cars because I enjoy it and it is fulfilling. If I wanted to make more money, hell, cashier at the AM/PM makes more money.
Mikey52_1 wrote: And then there's the question of being taken seriously...I mean, do our own wives even take us seiously?
I already sense a serious split on an issue within the GRM party. Marriage.
I propose the GRM nation be against it in all forms!
OTOH, if you emigrate to a country and then whine about it, in my mind there are 2 options: 1. STFU 2. or GTFO Paddy go home!
fifty wrote: OTOH, if you emigrate to a country and then whine about it, in my mind there are 2 options: 1. STFU 2. or GTFO Paddy go home!
Legal immigrants who chose this country because of its' legacy have as much right to "whine" as any other citizen - even when (maybe more so) they believe the legacy is being eroded.
Sorry you missed school that day.
Edit: Even illegals are afforded many of the same rights as their legal couterparts. But, their arguments are weakened because they haven't shown any desire to accept and embrace the challenges of US citizenship - they (too often) want the rewards without ever having earned them.
Just sayin......
oldsaw wrote:fifty wrote: OTOH, if you emigrate to a country and then whine about it, in my mind there are 2 options: 1. STFU 2. or GTFO Paddy go home!Legal immigrants who chose this country because of its' legacy have as much right to "whine" as any other citizen - even when (maybe more so) they believe the legacy is being eroded. Sorry you missed school that day.
"School that day" was in Australia . I'm also a legal immigrant.
And unlike the lady in question I accepted that some of the conditions in my new country were different, both good and bad.
fifty wrote: OTOH, if you emigrate to a country and then whine about it, in my mind there are 2 options: 1. STFU 2. or GTFO Paddy go home!
That’s exactly how I feel when I hear most of U2’s music…what a bunch of female hygiene products…instead lecturing American’s about how Berkley’d up our country is, why don’t you go home and fix your own country.
Oh that’s right, it’s because you know if you did, you’d find an audience that would demand factually correct statements rather than one that celebrates anything you say so long as it serves to tear down the establishment.
aircooled wrote: Generally, any time the term liberal or conservative is used, you can just stop reading / listening.
Don't watch Canadian politics then - those are the actual names of two of the major parties Took me a while to get used to the term "liberal" being intended as an insult.
I think there would be more legal immigrants if it were easier/cheaper to do it legally. But that's just the viewpoint of someone who has been a legal immigrant in the US for 9 years now.
yes.. friend of mine got married to an american girl and immigrated from the UK. What it cost him and his adopted family was just amazing
yeah Australians never whine and tell everyone how much better it is back home all the while not tipping for E36 M3.
oldsaw wrote:fifty wrote: OTOH, if you emigrate to a country and then whine about it, in my mind there are 2 options: 1. STFU 2. or GTFO Paddy go home!Legal immigrants who chose this country because of its' legacy have as much right to "whine" as any other citizen - even when (maybe more so) they believe the legacy is being eroded. Sorry you missed school that day. Edit: Even illegals are afforded many of the same rights as their legal couterparts. But, their arguments are weakened because they haven't shown any desire to accept and embrace the challenges of US citizenship - they (too often) want the rewards without ever having earned them. Just sayin......
I totally earned being an American! Oh wait, no I didn't. Just a lucky coincidence of birth.
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