well... molasses. 
I was doing this indoors, so I was concerned about the fumes of electrolysis, and I can't stand the smell of vinegar. So, I opted for a sweeter method.
Grandma's baking molasses doesn't work; you need the feed grade stuff that still has the phosphates in it. 50lbs of it wasn't expensive, compared to other rust removers available.

Onto the workpiece. It's a crusty block, that was "left in storage for a few years".

I pulled all the freeze plugs, oil gallery plugs, etc. and hung the main caps on coat hangers, and stood the block on end, in a 32 gallon plastic trash can. tossed the main cap screws on the end of the block, too.

See you in a couple weeks....
Through the use of magic, it's 18 days later, and we've got MOLD!

I pulled everything out and scrubbed and scrubbed, with some degreaser (might've helped if I did that before the molasses bath).

The front of the block is still pretty crusty. I'm wondering if there may have been air bubbles trapped, as the front was at the bottom of the barrel.

Everything went back in, for a couple-few more weeks. Gotta see how well this works. I'm impressed, so far.
Nice. I hope Robbie's molasses project turns out as good.
In reply to Appleseed :
Unfortunately, he used baking molasses, so I don't think he'll have much success. I mentioned that in his thread, but I hope he doesn't get discouraged from this method.
Didn't realize there are different kinds. Good to know.
That is amazing! I cant wait to see how it looks after another soak.
Wow who knew and I have that same block sitting in my grosh....kool
12/24/17 4:09 p.m.
Yeah, mine wasn't that good. I did post pictures after molasses, but didn't post after the vinegar, which was more effective than baking molasses. I'll get them uploaded and bump the other thread.
But I can vouch that baking molasses doesn't really work.
RMP.....'feed grade' like from where you buy square bales of alfalfa ,range cubes and sweet feed?
In reply to 759NRNG :
Indeed. I got mine at Waukee Mills, by hitting teh Googles for "feed mill near me"
RMP, besides the 32gal container and the syrup what else is there?
In reply to 759NRNG :
Just water, mixed ~10:1 (water:molasses). I ended up mixing it about 8:1, though.
Then you'll need some rusty parts to play with. Coat hangers come in handy, too. Rubber gloves, if you don't want ask yourself later, "Why am I sticky?"
I didn't do it beforehand, but I should have degreased e'rthang. The block appeared clean, but the were spots that I suspect still had some grease/oil residue.
So of the things molasses has going for it, there are two; low cost, no revolting smell and no toxic fumes. I mean three...
In reply to paranoid_android :
And no qualms about dumping it in your neighbor's back yard, when you're done.
At least until you see his lawn growing lush....
RealMiniParker said:
In reply to paranoid_android :
And no qualms about dumping it in your neighbor's back yard, when you're done.
At least until you see his lawn growing lush....
That was my next question...what to do with the 'soup' ........way kool i gotz plenty o'yard 
12/26/17 10:00 p.m.
that's really cool, i'll have to try that
Update, 43 days. Main cap hardware was about the same, with more pitting revealed, so I didn't include them in pics.

I just did a quick, easy rinse with the hose. No scrubbing this time, but the bottom looks a LOT better.

The front is still a little brown. I put it back in the barrel front end up, this time around. Let's see if it gets better.

Definitely must degrease, before dipping in molasses. I can see spots that were from the first go-round that have disappeared this time.
Please be careful with molasses.

Wave of rushing molasses kills and maims: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Molasses_Flood