As mentioned, alot of clean up has taken place. We've cut down a few trees, pruned back others and managed to reclaim the old vegie beds back from the weeds (spring has sprung and we'll be starting to plant out over the coming weeks)
We started cleaning up down the sides of the house to pull back any dirt and weeds from the foundations in order to get a better idea of what's happening with the house. We found alot of damp dirt down the side that has the storm water plumbing, and the canary in the mine was literally a dead bird. After pulling back weeds we saw a dead bird, half hanging out of a hole in the ground. It was strange to say the least, so I grabbed the shovel and started to dig around it... As I suspected, I almost immediately hit a pipe. The pipe was badly broken, and I'd say the poor old bird got stuck while trying to get a drink.
So began the excavation of the storm water pipe to find a suitable place to repair it. I dug back towards the corner of the house.... Oh, they've joined it to the original earthenware pipe? Nope, they'd joined 100mm sewer pipe to 90mm stormwater pipe with concrete
. No problem, I busted out the concrete, I'll just replace the broken section of pipe with 90mm stormwater, the way it's supposed to be done. I dug the other direction, to the next downpipe, it was clogged and I figured I could remove the earthenware y joiner and use an ew to pvc coupler to worth the whole section properly (well, properly enough given that the whole stormwater system will be redone again once we do the verandas and shedding.) Dug out the ew junction, only to find that they'd just stuffed 100mm sewer pipe in the other side. So far, 3 joints between non compatible parts, none of which were water tight.
I dug at the next down pipe, expecting maybe that was where it went back to the original earthenware plumbing.... Plastic pipe in, again, not water tight.... Dug the other side.... Plastic out, surprise surprise... Not water tight. I moved on to the last down pipe (at Which stage I'm already thinking, E36 M3, I'm going to be replacing the whole lot aren't I) and sure enough, another cobbled together mess, not water tight.
I began digging out all the old storm water system, some of the pipe was 80-90% blocked with dirt.
So, 2 days, $150 and a E36 M3 load of digging, cutting and gluing, the storm water system has been replaced from the back corner of the house all the way to the gutter with 90mm pvc stormwater piping, the way it should be. Hopefully now the soil has a chance to dry out and it should put to bed any damp issues.