Found this on another site, i feel the same way....
Original Poster said:
Quote Originally Posted by mkpopcorn View Post
So, my boyfriend bought a '96 Cherokee (XJ) SE, for way too much, like around $3,000. It broke down and he has put another $2,500 in it and totally rebuilt the engine and did a lot of after market work on it. He has and will do all the labor himself, he refuses to pay for labor. Now, he finds out that the motor needs to be taken back out and fixed again and is looking at another $700. I said he should just sell it and wipe his hands clean, he says he won't make enough.
Firstly, what is your guys' opinion on what he should do? Secondly, how much do you think he could make parting it versus just the whole car as is?
Thanks for your guys' opinions!
Then it gets REAL 
First Respond said:
You want my opinion? Ok…
Shut the hell up. You’re not his wife. You’re not paying for the repairs. It’s absolutely none of your business what he does with his Jeep or his money. I know your type well… first it’s “Sell the Jeep because it’s costing too much money.” Then it’s “No, you can’t go spend the weekend with your buddies because I need you to take me shopping.” Then it’s “Oh gee, honey… I’m pregnant. Gosh, I have no idea how that happened.”
You’re a DreamKiller. You kill a guy’s dreams, take away his future, tie him down with a fat mortgage and too many babies, and turn him into just another miserable guy wondering, “How the hell did I get here?”
Do you really want to help him? Here’s what you do… go to your local library (it’s a big building with books inside) and check out a couple of books on rebuilding engines. Read them, over and over, until YOU understand what needs to be done. Then help him get that engine out and rebuild it. Tie your hair back in a ponytail, put on some old jeans and get your hands dirty. Hand him wrenches, hold the light, pull the wire connectors apart, help him get the hood off… help him with anything he needs. When he gets tired, run inside and make him a hot lunch or dinner. Fix him coffee, hot chocolate, whatever he wants. (But NO beer. Beer is for when the job is done.)
Then when the day is over and you’re both exhausted from working on the engine, push him into a hot shower and jump in with him. Scrub his back, wash his hair, rinse him off, and dry him with fluffy towels still hot from the dryer. Then push him into bed and screw his ears off. Then get up the next day and do it all over again.
Make him realize that rebuilding an engine is a slow and methodical process. Make him realize that every step should be regarded as surgery; every step must be perfect… perfect torque, perfect fit, perfectly clean. If you run into a step that you just can’t figure out, ask for help from someone who knows what he’s doing. Are you cute? Put on a low-cut top, show some cleavage and go (by yourself) to the local Jeep shop, and explain to the guys that you are helping your boyfriend to rebuild his engine and neither of you can figure out this one little step, and do they have any advice…
Think it won’t work? Think again. We guys love to help cute girls, even if they have a boyfriend. (Hey, maybe you’ve got a sister, or girlfriend…)
But absolutely DO NOT whine or complain. Do not say a single negative thing. Not a single “Oooooo, I broke a nail.” If you break a nail, or cut your finger, or bang a knuckle, you just shut up and DEAL WITH IT. You should be a hopelessly optomistic, never-say-die cheerleader, encouraging him every step of the way.
That’s my opinion.
1/7/11 11:16 a.m.
Yeah, mysogeny is sooo epic. Right.
Where do these people keep crawling out from?
So if they were married she wouldn't be a dream killing whiner?
(ninja edit) redacted (/ninja edit)
I'll print that out a give it to any potential dates so they know what to expect
That dude said:
I know your type well… first it’s “Sell the Jeep because it’s costing too much money.” Then it’s “No, you can’t go spend the weekend with your buddies because I need you to take me shopping.” Then it’s “Oh gee, honey… I’m pregnant. Gosh, I have no idea how that happened.”
You’re a DreamKiller. You kill a guy’s dreams, take away his future, tie him down with a fat mortgage and too many babies, and turn him into just another miserable guy wondering, “How the hell did I get here?”
Wow, that stings. Maybe even a little more than it should. 
The poster's tact could use a bit of refinement, but his point was spot on. Women tend to do that...but in fairness, they do it to guys who let them (Coming from a card carrying member). Takes 2 to tango.
Maybe a little projection going on?
I think he just signed his divorce papers from his third/fourth marriage...
I went through a similiar situation with my 240sx track car. Although she didn't "put her hair in a ponytail and get dirty", she supports my addiction 100%. Where else would you want your husband? Out partying with friends in a bar or neck deep in motor oil in your own garage?
Bet you a nickle "angry girlfriend" and "misogyny dude" are one and the same. It's too perfect.
1/7/11 3:20 p.m.
I dinno. Both sides have valid points IMO. I know that I've been more than stubborn enough to not know when to cut my losses, and I know I've had women lean on me to let go of something under the guise of "it's a money pit" or similar, when they just want me to buy more dust ruffles instead or some crap.
1/7/11 3:39 p.m.
It was a good read. It is pure fantasy, but I like fantasy so like I said, it was a good read.
Oh, look, to be clear, the guy sure was being a dick. The girl asked a question and he went off on a rant. But it was funny.
Come on guys, lighten up. Don't make me pie this thread.
Wow, sounds like that second poster is currently miserable and is mad at the world. It all sounds set up, but if it isn't the second poster is an idiot. Girlfriend/boyfriend doesn't mean 'we just see each other a view times a week' any more. For all he knows, she could be helping him pay bills. And I have agree with her. It what sounds like a short time he's put almost as much as he's spent into trying to make a car RUN. Not run better, just run
But he's right, she should be "You should be a hopelessly optomistic, never-say-die cheerleader, encouraging him every step of the way" even if they guy is throwing dangerous amounts of time and money away on a doomed project. Then she could be a bitch for not wanting to marry a broke bum with a snazzy ride!
fast_eddie_72 wrote:
Don't make me pie this thread.
Pie, it's like Canoe for politics. 
"Go to the library (it's a big building with books inside)..."
I nearly fell off my chair.
1/7/11 4:06 p.m.
It is a funny response, but in the meantime, what is WrenchBoy doing to DreamKiller's dreams? If you want to be a couple, you both have to compromise. Or, if you don't want to compromise, that's cool too, but then don't expect to be part of a couple.
Have != Cake != Eat
Seemed pretty honest to me. Angry, but honest.
Duke wrote:
It is a funny response, but in the meantime, what is WrenchBoy doing to DreamKiller's dreams? If you want to be a couple, you both have to compromise. Or, if you don't want to compromise, that's cool too, but then don't expect to be part of a couple.
When I wanted to go from Denver to LA to get a 1984 Celica with 224,000 miles from a shady dealer, my wife thought it was a bad idea. But she said "let's all go and make it a vacation." Truth told, she was right. It was a bad idea. Going to work out okay, but sure cost me too much.
We had fun though.
1/7/11 5:44 p.m.
So, like, what happens if you do all that and still end up with an shiny happy person?
Rebuilding a Jeep engine with your boyfriend will get you married.
Looks like the Jeep forum crashed.