Ian F
1/28/11 12:20 p.m.
In reply to jrw1621:
I love this stuff (Pepcid Complete). Unfortuantely, it seems to have gone AWOL. I was able to buy bottle-packs at Sam's club... now nothing... can't even find it at the grocery store... wierd.
If I eat a lot of bread, that seems to trigger it pretty badly. Unfortuantely, I love bread...
What really seemed to help the most was back in early '09 when my g/f and I split for awhile... my stress levels went down... started riding more... lost some weight... and I had about 6 months w/o pain. As soon as we got back together, the stomach pains returned.
JFX001 wrote:
We have excellent insurance, but the purple pill (Nexium) costs 256 bucks a bottle, and it's not covered.
I have the same trouble. They made Nexium (esomeprazole) to start a new patent when the prilosec hit 10 years. Truth is, the "es" in esomeprazole is a hydroxide molecule tacked on that turns into water as soon as it hits your stomach... but its "different" so they can get another patent.
The insurance companies know that, so they don't cover it, they just say "get prilosec" which isn't covered because its OTC now.
The good news is that prilosec OTC (omeprazole) also comes in prilosec MG (omeprazole magnesium) and they are planning on phasing out the OTC. The MG stuff doesn't work for me, so I might have a case for actually getting a prescription paid for.
I know I sound like a commercial, but don't take this lightly. I had 13 ulcers in my esophagus, one perforated, and another one started a teeny little tumor which was removed and never heard from again. My buddy Rick wasn't so lucky - 3 years of chemo and radiation and it doesn't look good for him.
another statistic: It is estimated that 40-60% of Americans have a hiatal hernia, but only about 15% are diagnosed. Most people just blame the lasagna they had and pop a tums. Not good.
The thing that sucks for it is that there is no real fix other than band-aiding it with drugs that reduce your acid production. My concern is that some day I'm going to see a commercial on TV that says, "have you taken prilosec and now have kidney failure? Contact the lawfirm of steinberg and steinberg. You may be eligible for a settlement of $20 for your death."
Generic "Acid Reducer" from Walmart is ranitadine, generic for Zantac. It is good stuff and wally world sells it for $4/bottle of 60 or something.
Losing weight is the best thing you can do for a hiatal hernia. The surgical fix for a hiatal hernia is not a benign little procedure. Uh, cut the esophagus off the stomach, put a half-a-twist in it, sew it back on. Much better to lose some weight.
Curtis, I'm glad you're doing OK now. Take it easy and take care of your gut.
On a related note, anyone have trouble with a constricted esophagus? I have never had the issue of reflux, at least nothing that I would describe as "heartburn" or pain. But I occasionally have problems with food just plain getting stuck on the way down. It is pretty scary stuff and a PITA.
I got a nice video of my guts from the doctor and he prescribed a course of antacids, but I am wondering if this is step #1 on the way to what has been described above.
There are many reasons one can have difficulty swallowing. Acid reflux would be the first step on the way to difficulty swallowing after a whole lot of damage constricts the esophagus, not the the other way around. A swallowing study from a speech therapist would be in order, and is that what your video is of? What were the results? Anyone send you to a neurologist? Head scan? Too many unknowns here, and you should discuss these with your physician.
I was put on omeprazole a year or so ago. I took it for awhile but don't anymore. I don't get it like I use to. I hate taking pills and many times they find out later it causes other problems. I researched drinking 2 teaspoons of apple cidar vingegar a day helps. I might try it.
pinchvalve wrote:
On a related note, anyone have trouble with a constricted esophagus? I have never had the issue of reflux, at least nothing that I would describe as "heartburn" or pain. But I occasionally have problems with food just plain getting stuck on the way down. It is pretty scary stuff and a PITA.
I got a nice video of my guts from the doctor and he prescribed a course of antacids, but I am wondering if this is step #1 on the way to what has been described above.
My mom has the same thing and its very scary. I had to rush her to the hospital once. She couldn't talk and was slobbering. She has to take a pill if she feels one coming on. She was told its spasms but they don't know much about them. I too have difficulty swallowing, not getting stuck, just trying to get it down. It started 10 years ago when I went out to eat. I would get nervous. Now, its all the time. I think it may be anxiety or nerves but who knows. It stinks. I wonder if its something in my head rather than acid reflux.
I had it every day for years until I started taking Protonix (every day). Haven't had it since.
I've been taking Nexium for about ten years but lately my health had been getting worse. I was developing all sorts of side effects that reflected those of diabetes. My gf and I started researching acid blocker side effects and there's some nasty stuff out there. We were thinking possibility of pernicious anemia - which I'm probably more susceptible to due to the MTHFR gene mutation. We're trying to eat healthier and with the help of my wellness doctor (chiropractor/sports medicine doctor) I'm on supplements that are helping A LOT. He's got me on two Metagenics products, Spectrazyme and Metagest. I get mine through naturalhealthyconcepts.com. On top of the supplements I've cut back on my alcohol, coffee and cigars. While that sucks I'm trying to weigh the reduced joys in life with a new joy - that of being healthier. Ginger tea and some lemon water also help with digestion and bile production.
Side note: I'm on another supplement from Metagenics for the MTHFR mutation called Glycogenics. This stuff has been a godsend. My general mood overall has been much better in the winter time.
3/10/11 5:22 p.m.
Well, I had a stress echo done on my heart...came out "good" Had an upper GI scope on Monday also "good" (went out hard on that one woke up 45 minutes later).
Now, since we have ruled out heart and gastro
, we are concentrating on a possible herniated disk and I have to have an EMG and maybe a bone scan.
Also, took my first hydrocodone about an hour ago. I suspect that I will be asleep before too long.
3/10/11 5:27 p.m.
Try a little organic/unfiltered apple cider vinegar w/ water (tastes like the 'apple' version of lemonade), worked wonders for me.
3/10/11 5:34 p.m.
I did the Bragg's and 8 ounces of water. I did Nexium/Omeprazole/Zantac.
We're getting closer to finding out what it is....but even though I know it's not my heart, when I'm bent over in pain and anxiety kicks in because I don't know what the hell is happening...that does me no good.