Please, no floundering about unions.
The company made the official layoff announcement today. Out of 575 hourly employees 14 are machinists (cnc operators, honestly) and 2 of us will be cut loose this coming week along with some welders, assemblers painters, etc...
The local news made the announcement earlier this week along with the Journal Star. A call back is not likely unless I change departments and even then the chances are slim since I am very low on the totem pole.
I've been kicking around ideas for different careers and I was wondering if there's some industry I'm not familiar with that's poised for explosive, yet steady growth. I believe someone here once posted their resume, I might try that to give people a better idea what sort of work might best suit me.
That sucks. Good luck with whatever comes next.
Natural Gas is booming and expanding big time. I always farmed then went to college. Been in natural gas ever since. We need more good workers willing to train all the time. Out west their gas/sewer and water infrastructures are so old they are failing and begging for workers experience is hardly a requirement.
Natural gas seems to be booming anywhere there is oil. Where I'm at we're tied in with the coal mines instead and not much drilling is happening here.
Ugh, formatting fail.
It looked nice before I posted it...
Sorry to hear that. I'm guessing Cat doesn't have any openings?
To me, medical, insurance, and finance are good fields to move into. If you can develop a skill in one of those field that's also useful elsewhere, that seems like a good way to give you marketable skills along with knowledge of a strong industry.
Before I lost my job last year if started searching for my next career, and decided on database programming. With the help and guidance of a couple forum members I was able to land a job as a data analyst for an insurance company. Not only do I really enjoy what I do, they're also providing training in the insurance industry too.
My points are: put the thought, effort, and research into finding something that will work for you. If you choose wisely, it can pave the way of your future.
I should have mentioned this earlier; we'd prefer not to relocate unless it is to the St. Louis area.
I'd prefer to avoid CAT.
I have a promising lead on Keystone, from my current supervisor no less.
Thanks, Pete. Data analysis...I'll have to research that a bit.
There's always the option of transferring to a different labor hall but I'd prefer not to travel to job sites and be away from the family for extended periods, if it can be avoided.
The good thing about unions in layoff time is that the employees know who will be laid off and there are no surprises. Goes easier than a salary layoff.
Best of luck with the job search. Sorry you had to go through this. I've been laid off once myself.
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine:
True. Rumors of a big layoff have been running through the shop for the past few months.
Dang. Being around Peoria and with your background, I was going to suggest CAT. But the its just as easy to get laid off there too. 
The_Jed wrote:
I'd prefer to avoid CAT.
Peoria bleeds yellow. There are some GenSet manufacturers around the area - more welding and fab work than machining.
Enercon, International, Chillicothe, and Hardin.
Good luck with your search.
I'd suggest that you leave the security bit in but remove the gun stuff. It's not the kind of thing that the casual reader will be able to put out of their mind once they are reading the next part of your résumé.
In reply to Woody:
Thanks for the advice, will do.
I assure you, it looks much better on paper!
On a whim a few weeks ago I dropped off a resume and filled out an application with a local Sheriff's department.
I received a letter the other day giving me a date to show up for the physical abilities test. It would be a pretty big pay cut, but it beats no paycheck at all and maybe this can be turned into a career!
The_Jed wrote:
On a whim a few weeks ago I dropped off a resume and filled out an application with a local Sheriff's department.
I received a letter the other day giving me a date to show up for the physical abilities test. It would be a pretty big pay cut, but it beats no paycheck at all and maybe this can be turned into a career!
My cousin is a cop. He makes less than me but will retire way before me, get a second career and be comfortable before my student loans are paid off.
Even if you wanted, CAT has very few open positions domestically right now. If you want to go to China, on the other hand, you're in luck!
I know quite a few former and current CAT employees. It's nearly impossible for someone of my caste who works at CAT to earn a decent living and support a family.
Komatsu is opening a plant in China too...
Good luck in the search. As an ex employee of a CAT dealer, I understand why you wouldn't want to get on with them. Way back when, they built 90% of their stuff in Peoria and shipped it all over the planet. Now they do like Honda, KIA etc: they build 'em where they sell 'em and they started doing that back in the late 1970's, about the time I moved on.
Check out UPS. It's not real easy to get on with them, but once in you are in good shape. FedEx hires n00bs part time only, not easy to get bennies out of the box.
Just filed my unemployment claim...ugh.
It's about 54% of my previous weekly gross...
3/16/13 10:40 a.m.
IL must be sweet on you.
My GA unemployment claim was 28.6% of my previous base salary. 

AND it required about 10 hours per week of filing requirements (paperwork, classes, training, etc.). AND maximum of 19 weeks. Wasn't worth the time.
Did you remove your resume? I'm not seeing it.
Wishing you well. Consider the energy and health care industries. Energy is probably an easier transition for you.
I files for unemployment once after a plant layoff. I was eligible yet denied. I got a temporary job making less and went back to school. That layoff may have saved my life (financially speaking)
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