4/22/09 1:21 p.m.
Just a reminder for those of you who like me have administrative assistants - today is Administrative Professionals Day. Of course I finally realized this when I saw it noted on the Dilbert calendar on my desk 15 minutes ago (2:00 PM local time). Doh! Second year in a row I blew it off - my admin is not terribly happy. I think though she's happy to have something to lord over me with the next time I ask her to call an unpleasant client. I guess the lunch I'll be buying her will be a really, really nice one.
I would like to open a business at home, I could then get nooky from my secremetary without having my wife get all pissy.
Someone collected $5 from each person in my Division; X 45 = she's too bwichy to deserve that.
Maybe she'll buy some therapy.

So who the hell came up with this lame-ass pseudo-holiday?
Odd to skip from, say, Veteran's day to Administrative Professionals Day. How about an Emergency Responders Day or something? Geez.
I want bottom-dwelling, low man on the totem pole, grunt worker day.
4/22/09 5:01 p.m.
I think this year we need Unemployed Day.
Mine make my life so freakin easy so they get little stuff all week.
spitfirebill wrote:
I want bottom-dwelling, low man on the totem pole, grunt worker day.
April 15th = Proletarian Day.