Okay, so I am kinda new to Adobe's Creative Suite but am learning how to use it. I am primarily using Acrobat X and InDesign in CS6. I have got the basics down in InDesign enough to do basic layouts and dropping in photos and stuff. The problem I have is with importing and exporting files. I understand that InDesign saves files in .indd and .indt file types. And of course I know that Acrobat saves in .pdf. I know that I can export from InDesign to Acrobat as a PDF as interactive or print. I also know that I can "place" a PDF in InDesign. The problem I am having is "opening" a PDF in InDesign. I do not think it is possible without buying this plug-in for $400. However, I am being told that I can do it but I am just being difficult. Someone please tell me that I am a moron and how to actually do this. It would be nice to hear that I am a moron from someone else and preferably with a constructive criticism slid in there somewhere.
Right now, I feel like a bank teller that was not given the combination to the bank vault and everyone else that works there has already been shot. It really sucks.
I have a feeling that one of the GRM staff may even know this.