TL;DR: What do you do when you've still got funny behavior and suspect files when Malwarebytes and Windows Defender run but report no issues?
What does one do when Google isn't getting you what you need? Ask GRM...
I have nieces, and they have laptops, and I have tech support. There is a certain amount of head-scratching going on in terms of how to really educate eighth graders on what constitutes reasonable computer hygiene and skepticism about resources, but that's a larger battle...
In the meantime, one of them has picked up some sort of adware/malware which does a lot of redirection and tab-opening kind of stuff. Also, I'm learning as I go here; GRM has been my source for recently updating my own stuff to use Microsoft's own firewall and antivirus in combination with basic Malwarebytes.
Malwarebytes certainly found and quarantined some stuff on the girls' computers, but neither it, nor Microsoft's malicious software removal tool has identified everything. The scans run, but we still have a "Bing Search" application in "add/remove", which is clearly nothing to do with the actual Bing; it's publisher is "Unavailable". I haven't been able to locate anything in Program Files or the x86 Program Files. I haven't identified a related service (which presumably wouldn't name itself something as obvious), and the only related stuff I've found are an uninst.exe and Sqlite3.dll in a GUID-named directory in AppData/Local which relate to the registry entry resulting in its listing in Add/remove programs. It doesn't show up in the start menu.
Of course, it could be that Malwarebytes already quarantined the rest of this thing, and I just need to remove its registry entry to get it out of the add/remove menu and delete the related files in AppData, and that any remaining funny behavior is actually something else which is also not being detected...
At what point do you just do a total reinstallation?
I haven't been anything approaching an expert since I was doing antivirus tech support for Windows 98, and, well, I'm not sure I was really an expert then, but at least I was more familiar with what was going on.