On the 19th I'll be having a full battery of imaging and scans and surgery is scheduled for the 25th, though that's tentative on results from the 19th not being anymore dire. It's a hail Mary at this point and I don't know what condition I'll be in post surgery as there's a potential that some major bone struture may need to go creating some significant collateral damage as it pertains to physical ability. I should know more by the end of next week. Pain management has been a bit better the past 2 days at least, I've almost been comfortable.
4/14/16 6:33 a.m.
Hang in there Captain! Keep up the good fight.
Best of luck. You deserve good things.
Bonne chance, mon capitaine
Glad to hear pain management is on the up man. Wishin ya the best with the appointments!
Good luck man, we're pulling for you!
See if you can get some of this:
Good luck!
Is an adamantium pelvis an option? Or at least titanium. That would make you invulnerable to death by snoo-snoo!

4/14/16 12:17 p.m.
Cap, as long as you can move your fingers to type, please keep us updated, because we care about you. Best of luck and medical science to you, man.