These were taken a few hours ago about an hour after it started in Acworth Ga about 30 min NW of Atlanta. We have probably 4-5 inches so far and coming down hard still. We may hit 6-7 inches before it mostly melts tomorrow. 
The funny thing is that we are moving to Anchorage AK on saturday and its been warmer there the last few weeks.
Anyway I had my fun in it. I climbed a few hills and cut a couple donuts in 4wd and now its beer and tacos time at home.

2/25/15 5:01 p.m.
IT'S SNOWING AGAIN! IN IOWA! I know none of y'all care, but we've not had enough this winter. Stupid East Coast stealing it all...
kylini wrote:
IT'S SNOWING AGAIN! IN IOWA! I know none of y'all care, but we've not had enough this winter. Stupid East Coast stealing it all...
Same up in Anchorage. Theyre starting the Iditarod in Fairbanks because of lack of snow. They have some but nothing like usual. A real crap year for snowmachining too.
Right now I would love for it to warm up enough to snow. It was -10F when I got up here in SE Michigan. Paul Eddleston (Team Illuminati here) suggested on Facebook we switch to Kelvin to make ourselves feel better. So it was a balmy 250K this morning, MMmmmmmm
It's berkeleying snowing again here in MA!! Quit shaking the snow globe!!
it's snowing here in upstate NY, upwind of MA! Not being a school day, the snow removal people are taking their sweet time, too. Very little snow built up on the roads, but wow was it slippery! If I didn't have my wife and child in the car I might have entertained the thought of some minor hoonage.
9 inches since about 9 last night. I'm moving to Florida.
Haven't had to use the snow blower yet this winter, that's rare in Pa. Leaf blower handles smaller accumulations. OTOH, the berkeleying freezing rain/ wintry mix takes lots of salt... lots.
Don't wanna get started on that brine treatment on the roads. 
About an inch today. Not sure what was worse, the terrified lady in the Subaru who had us all doing 20 mph down a 50 mph mountain pass, or the terrified trucker who had us doing 10 mph up a 50 mph mountain pass.
Yet another day of working from home because there's too much snow on the roads for our cars to drive safely. This just is NOT normal for central Kentucky. It snowed all night and is still coming down- and has a good bit left to come from what the weather report says. I will be VERY pissed off if this screws with the wife and I going on vacation next Monday, since the cruise tickets aren't refundable....
Tonight Partly cloudy, with a low around -3. Wind chill values as low as -14.
Tomorrow, Sunny, wind. high 17F. Wind chill values as low as -15.
Tomorrow night. Clear. Cold. 9F.
Saturday, 20F, snow.
berkeley this.
Ky snowmageddon round 2. A foot of snow so far, state of emergency, and Ft Knox is CLOSED!!
On the plus side, I had no troubles driving to work this morning. 
3/5/15 12:14 p.m.
As I posted elsewhere, we're getting more snow today, probably another 6" or so. Yesterday it was up to 40 degrees and I was finally able to chip an inch of ice off my driveway. First time I'd seen blacktop since mid-January. That didn't last long. I really want to put my snow blower into storage and take out the patio and deck furniture. That's gonna be a while.
Ian F
3/5/15 12:56 p.m.
foxtrapper wrote:
About an inch today. Not sure what was worse, the terrified lady in the Subaru who had us all doing 20 mph down a 50 mph mountain pass, or the terrified trucker who had us doing 10 mph up a 50 mph mountain pass.
Considering a sliding, out-of-control truck can do a lot more damage than a sliding Subaru, I'd give the trucker a pass.
I woke up this morning at 4:30 to rain. "What the...? the weather-guessers said it was supposed to start snowing around midnight? Another blown forecast... " So grumbling, I started getting ready for work. Just as I'm getting ready to leave, I open the door and see snow. Berk. Turn on the local news. Huge band of snow just starting... planning to be here all day. I'm in a 2-4" accumulation band. Berk. Getting to work wouldn't have been a problem. Getting home, however, was guaranteed to be effing hell. Berk it. I brought stuff with me to work on, so I stayed home. As I type this at 2pm, we're already past the 4" amount and it's still coming down. For once I made the right choice.
fasted58 wrote:
Haven't had to use the snow blower yet this winter, that's rare in Pa. Leaf blower handles smaller accumulations. OTOH, the berkeleying freezing rain/ wintry mix takes lots of salt... lots.
Don't wanna get started on that brine treatment on the roads.
Finally fired up the snow blower and cleared a few hunnert feet of driveway and walks of 8" accumulation n still comin' down, salted sidewalks.
My debt is paid, winter can berkeley off.
Looks like we missed the annual snow this year. 
Berk this stuff! Just spent over an hour and a half clearing our driveway, cars, walkways, and sidewalks. I now more than believe the 15" accumulation number we saw on the news this morning- which blew through the previous all-time record of 13.5". Why the heck did I decide to do a half hour cardio workout with my wife this morning? I had to have burned 4-5x the calories shoveling (eventually- started out with a rake and tupperware container top and about 1/3 of the way through borrowed a snow shovel from a neighbor) the snow.
High today was 81. Low tonight 33 with the possibility of freezing rain.
I LOVE living on the coast. If you don't like the weather, wait 15 minutes and it will change.
Yeah, we've had spring fall and winter all in 48 hours up here. Had a HELLUVA cold front come through about midday yesterday, the heavy rain and high wind lasted only about ten minutes but I swear it was tropical storm force for that time. Low of 25 tonight, then 60's and 40's for the next eight days. But no measureable snow this year!
this thread was revived by a now deleted canoeist
proceed with caution
Hey, I remember this thread. It was a fun thread.
No snow this winter. The kids were really disappointed until this swell pandemic came along.
<cues Alice Cooper record on the 45 RPM turntable>
School's out for Summer!