Jensenman wrote:
11AM 9/4 NOAA has now moved the forecast track back out about 50 miles offshore of Wilmington. This damn thing is just refusing to cooperate.
And yes Ike is a bad sumbitch. I'll stay through a Cat 1 or 2 but Cat 3 and above I will pack the wife/kid/cat/dog/JensenHealey and head inland. 140 MPH sustained wind speeds are not my idea of fun.
Unless it is in the window of the racecar
9/4/08 5:31 p.m.
I didn't go through Andrew, but was there two days later. Now, I'm older, less crazy, and will run like hell if a cat 3 or better is knocking on my door. Bad storms, Cat 3 or better, are beyond the belief of people that have not seen/ been there.
9/4/08 5:56 p.m.
We get Hurricanes here every year, sometimes we get a good season though, like in 2006:

9/4/08 7:33 p.m.
Make al the jokes you want to, but a bad storm will make a staunch Catholic out of a true Athiest. I've been through Cat1's and 2's, a Cat 3 or better scares me bad.
9/5/08 8:28 a.m.
@#$%@#^#$%!@#%$&^*!!!! now Ike is projected right at us. The 2am wed. projected dot is almost right on top of us. it's going to hit the other coast first but with Fay there was so much warm water in the glades that it actually picked up strength once it moved over land. oh well, fay got me a day off of work and it was clear by lunchtime that day so maybe i'll get another day of challenge car work out of this.
9/5/08 8:33 a.m.
We were talking about Ike yesterday at work, and I suggested they skip a few letters and name the next one 'Tina'.
I would do that. I would find every cloud in the atlantic and name it, all the way to "Serge", and then name the next storm Tina.
Everyone looked at me funny.
9:45 AM 9/5 up here at Chucktown we have clouds and gusty breeze. The phones aren't ringing, none of our appointments have shown up and the HMFWIC's are mumbling about closing down around oneish.
Man, any of you down in Miami etc better start battening down the hatches. 
You won't have that problem in Connecticut
Wally wrote:
You won't have that problem in Connecticut
that didn't pan out.. I mean I got it and all, but i wasn't viable.
but your comments are echo'd by my wife who is from Rochester NY. (She'll take snow over this.. Now)
The HMFWIC's have decided to close things down around 2-2:30 PM to beat the bridge closings that are all but certain. Looks like I get to go home and watch a flick. 
ignorant wrote: ...but your comments are echo'd by my wife who is from Rochester NY. (She'll take snow over this.. Now)
Mrs. Iggy sounds like a very bright girl!
9/5/08 2:06 p.m.
berkeley me, i think I jinxed myself. the potential Ike track got worse.

who was it that wanted to send one up the pipe to tallahassee?
9/5/08 3:11 p.m.
Up the pipe to Tallahassee? Yeah, that was me. I just didn't want it passing over me first. I'm selfish like that. Just want it over with. Business falls flat when these things are coming, unless you're a food/ hardware store. And the stress from the wait, think I'll go home early and kick the dog and start a fight with the wife, just to get my mind off it all.
Just to show that everybody up here has their priorities in order: the bars and strip clubs are advertising like crazy that they are open. Most of them are offering 'Hurricanes' for $3.
Ahh! it changed again!
if it keeps this up we'll be in for a big one in houston mid-late next week.
9/6/08 6:57 a.m.
Do we have any readers/ lurkers from the Keys? Looks like they're going to get a full dose of Ike. Probably going to be some cheap houses, trailers, boats there soon. We are about 100 miles north of Ike's PROJECTED path, but we all know how that can change.
Looks like Louisiana is going to get another one.
9/6/08 4:11 p.m.
cwh wrote:
Do we have any readers/ lurkers from the Keys? Looks like they're going to get a full dose of Ike. Probably going to be some cheap houses, trailers, boats there soon. We are about 100 miles north of Ike's PROJECTED path, but we all know how that can change.
other than key west, I thought that's all there was in the keys?
anyways, it looks like it's taken a more southerly course over cuba now and back up to a cat 3 by the middle of the gulf. After that, anywhere from tejas to the panhandle could get it. i just noticed that the img i posted above updates with their projections. they must save to the same path every time. neat 
how's hannah treating everyone up the seaboard?
New Reader
9/6/08 4:20 p.m.
bluej wrote:
how's hannah treating everyone up the seaboard?
We're awaiting Hanna's arrival this evening here on Cape Cod. Winds should be around 40, gusting to 60 perhaps, with lots of rain. The extent of our preparations was to move one boat to the other side of the dock, add a few more lines to the other boats, and take down some plants and other loose things on the deck. It will be fun to watch tonight.
9/6/08 5:30 p.m.
From Key West to the north end of Key Largo is about 115 miles. Lots more to the keys than just Key West.
minimac wrote:
ignorant wrote: ...but your comments are echo'd by my wife who is from Rochester NY. (She'll take snow over this.. Now)
Mrs. Iggy sounds like a very bright girl!
I'll never forget the first really bad southern thunderstorm she went through down here. She was under the stairs clutching a flashlight chanting, "I want to move back up north." That was three years ago. 6 moths ago a coworkers wife, from Niagara falls/Buffalo, did the exact same thing, through her first thunderstorm as well. Seems like a common theme.....