so I bought a new to me compressor. the seller told me about an issue that I wrote off as not that big of a deal.
well, apparently it is.
on the pully side of the case is this fitting:
it appears that it should be a press fit, but it is loose. it has a red cap over it that does not look original. when the compressor runs, it leaks oil out around the fitting. not the cap.
my thinking is that I need to pull the red cap (looks like a parts store vacuum cap) and epoxy the fitting in. what do I need to do to fix this before changing the oil and putting it into the storage area plumbed to shop air?
all the pictures I took should give any info you need, but if you need more, let me know. this is my first oiled compressor. ive always had oilless.
EDIT: Nevermind. Looked at pics closer. Not sure what that is. Maybe a lube port for the pulley shaft?
Pull the red thing off, are there threads on the cup? It's either an oil cup or a grease cup for that crank bearing. If threads it's a grease cup and you're missing the screw on cap that forces grease in. If it's an oil cup there will/should probably be some foam or felt or something to that effect in there, you need to keep this cup full of oil.
Edit: Could also be a crank vent holding some filter foam, should be easy enough to figure that out.
Ill take a look when I get home. Maybe even post a picture for you.
Crankcase breather vent? JB Weld the fitting in and cobble housing and baffle material for vent.
Do not use 3M purple pads for baffle material. 
How can I tell if it's a breather vent?
And I wouldn't use purple 3m scotchbrite. All I have is brown.
Don't use any scotchbrite, it's literally loaded with abrasives. You can tell it's a breather vent because it will behave like one. Oil will pour right though it like a funnel, and you'll probably get some breathing action when it runs. A lack of vent anywhere else would also be evidence.
There has to be a crankcase breather somewhere on that pump or else it'd blow out the crankcase seals. I wouldn't figger that an ideal place for a vent but yea that'll work. That pump is too new to have oil or grease cups.
Recent 3M pad linky:
I'm trying SS scour pad baffling next.