Hey all,
I'm having a few friends come over and play airsoft with cheap pistols and the like. We've got 13 acres with a good mix of wooded and clear.
Besides "capture the flag" what other games or types of games should we consider?
I've never played paintbal, airsoft, or anything like this before. There could be 5 people or there could be 20 (not likely to be 20...but the word has been spread).
Just thought I'd get some ideas on what games to play...that way we can pick one or two to try out.
zombie is a good game. One person is the zombie and he goes out and hides. If you shot him the game is over, but every person he shots becomes a zombie. Once you have more than one zombie the dynamics of the game changes dramatically. Now you have to kill all the zombies to win.
Usually the zombies win.
This works much better with paintball due to the increased range and accuracy.
The zombie needs to stay very mobile and not hide. Zombies who hide get killed.
Sound one sided to you? Not really. Think in it, the "normals" have to hit one target, but the zombie can hit anyone.
A rousing game of Cutthroat can be good. That's where you have 3 teams. Usually it takes cooperation between 2 teams to take out the other, but at what point do people on the cooperating teams start taking out their ally?
You could play Firing Squad... on second thought, that might not be too much fun.
Ohh, but you do need to get one of these:
Yes, that's right, its an airsoft RPG!!
Also...I've heard about groundrules like "10 foot rule" where you don't shoot someone within that range.
Any safety pointers would be welcomed, since we won't have any fun if anyone gets hurt.
carguy123 wrote:
zombie is a good game. One person is the zombie and he goes out and hides. If you shot him the game is over, but every person he shots becomes a zombie. Once you have more than one zombie the dynamics of the game changes dramatically. Now you have to kill all the zombies to win.
Usually the zombies win.
This works much better with paintball due to the increased range and accuracy.
The zombie needs to stay very mobile and not hide. Zombies who hide get killed.
Sound one sided to you? Not really. Think in it, the "normals" have to hit one target, but the zombie can hit anyone.
A rousing game of Cutthroat can be good. That's where you have 3 teams. Usually it takes cooperation between 2 teams to take out the other, but at what point do people on the cooperating teams start taking out their ally?
Zombies also require headshots (duh).
10' rules are kinda weak. At the paintball field I reffed, there was a "take the hit" rule. Basically at close range you screamed "TAKE THE HIT?!" and if they gave up, you didn't have to light them up. Gave the target a choice. Also consider bunkering rules. Basically if someone's bunkered down and you can run and slap the bunker, they're out. Blind-firing was also banned.
We hosted a few Airsoft games... they came across as cheating, mall-ninja, all tacticooled out, everybody's a SEAL types.
Osterkraut wrote:
We hosted a few Airsoft games... they came across as cheating, mall-ninja, all tacticooled out, everybody's a SEAL types.
One thing I can gaurantee is that we will not be like that. I for one, am wearing a thrift store suit and tie tomorrow for the games.
Besides...we have no idea what we're doing. Airsoft guns are cheap and advertised in the Christmas ads...so we'll hve everything from single mothers to cops out shooting each other.
I'm going to go ahead an make a mental note to specifically frown on "head shots" even if we do play zombies (in part, due to aforementioned single mothers that will be in attendance).
no input beyond... eye protection at all times... :) have fun
An airsoft gun has no power. 10' rule Nah! Some of the guns aren't accurate at 10'. 10" rule Maybe.
If you want a little more accuracy use the heavier BBs. They weigh .20 instead of .12. The impact difference is negligible, but the bbs do fly a little truer.
I just got some marking .25 BBs and they won't work in any of my guns. They won't load and they won't fire so I'm presuming they are slightly oversized.
Just bought some shotguns for the grandkids for Christmas. That should make them feel less intimidated when the big kids come out to play. It fires 3 BBs at a time. I've taken them out for a little testing, just to be sure they work before Christmas you understand, and they are remarkably accurate and have good range. I didn't expect either.
It uses these for shot magazines

each one holds 30 BBs which gives 10 shots. I also ordered 3 extra shells.
games? why have games?
just go out and shoot the hell out of each other...
We used to play 1-on-1 with paintball as kids. 8 acre square field with mix of trees, scrub and meadow. Players start on opposite ends of the field, no rules beyond that.
Could get old fast if you have somebody who just bunks down though, we were all pretty aggressive.
Things I learned:
4 people is enough to play airsoft.
More would be even awesomer.
Trees and brush provide excellent cover from enemy fire.
You can take out an opponent who has an automatic assault rifle using only a pistol...if you just run in kamakazi style...sometimes.
Not everyone likes the idea of playing zombies.
Safety glasses fog up a lot in 20 degree weather.
Reloading a pistol clip is nerve wracking in the middle of a game.
I want more guns.
We had fun...enough fun to know we want to do it again with more people.
Banks are a great place for Airsoft games. They have lots of cool stuff to hide behind and it gives other people a chance to get in on the fun.
1 on 1 in a proper speedball feild playing PB was among my fav... especially because I knew my feild so well and knew where to shadow :)... i miss PB :(
i knew a few milsim airsofters... the goggles they had where googles with the "glass" removed and replaced with window screen, said it didn't fog up anymore that way but still had the protection...
We took some handguns to a halloween party as part of our costumes one year. The best game of the evening was shoot a hole in the side of peoples plastic cups. Much drink spillage ensued and it never got old.
I am also quite partial to the game "shoot the person on the couch when they arent looking"
ClemSparks wrote:
Things I learned:
4 people *is* enough to play airsoft.
More would be even awesomer.
Trees and brush provide *excellent* cover from enemy fire.
You *can* take out an opponent who has an automatic assault rifle using only a pistol...if you just run in kamakazi style...sometimes.
Not everyone likes the idea of playing zombies.
Safety glasses fog up a lot in 20 degree weather.
Reloading a pistol clip is nerve wracking in the middle of a game.
I want more guns.
We had fun...enough fun to know we want to do it again with more people.
I made speed loaders for my airsoft pistol with some plastic tube I had. I just cut it to the exact length of 12 BBs (the magazine's capacity) and taped one end up. That way all I have to do to reload is hold the little catch for the BBs open and then just pour em in. Also helps to have extra mags too 
I like that idea. I might have to see if I can do it also.
airsofting is fun and its been a wile since3 i have been out doing it..sigh have to go get a m14 fixed dang it...