The Johnson county tornado went near where my grandfather lives, dad's parents are in Arlington, which had some damage. My dad got caught in the hail around 2pm between Arlington and DFW airport and broke the windshield and beat up his ls460 pretty bad i'm told, haven't seen pictures yet.
Everyone OK here?
We are in the midst of what the TV is calling the worst of it but all we got were nice, gentle spring rains. I'm expecting Bambi, Thumper and Flower to show up soon.
got a pic of my dad's lexus, just the windshield though. he said it was about baseball size hail and everyone just stopped on the freeway instead of getting the hell out of the weather. just waiting for the pic to come through from my phone, really glad they just went ahead and patched iOS5 to just tell me i have 4 bars all the time, even when there's no service.
Well now I understand why we kept getting phone calls and why this thread. There's video floating around of a tornado that hit a truck stop and just whirled semis in the air like a scene from the Wizard of Oz.
finally downloaded. from what i understand, there's no more straight panels on the car.

Ouch! Glad he's OK though.
My mom and stepdad live in Austin and his brother lives in DFW. I just texted my mom to see if his family was ok, she asked why, and I told her about the tornado.
The response:
"We're calling him now"
Seriously mom? You guys live in the same state and you didn't even hear about this? I'm 1200 miles away and I heard about this.
My best friends wife was in the truck stop next to the one where the trailers were swirling. She said there was no place to go but in the bathroom in the center of the store.
She's fine, but is totally freaked out. I can't imagine.
I'm in cleveland. I was supposed to fly back home to DFW today. I get to the airport, they ask if I'm travelling to DFW. I say yes. They say not today you're not 
So I get put on a plane for tomorrow. I just check and THAT flight is now cancelled.......but yet the earlier one (6 AM) and the later one (6 PM) are still scheduled. And "all agents are busy".......been on hold for 30 mins now.
Thanks suck!
You may be stuck in Cleveland, but at least it's not Detroit. 
Apparently there were over 100 planes damages and that's the issue with flying into or out of DFW. That's a lot of juggling to be done.
That's why I take the train, but that's just me.
I just heard on the news that every plane had to be inspected before it could be used again.
Also Love Field is flying normally. Orphancars can you connect to Love?
No joy there.
Tried to see what was available if I left out of CLE or CAK, and landed at DFW, DAL, or AUS.
Been on hold for over 90 up and trying again in the morning.
I'd actually keep at it tonight. The lines will be less busy overnight than in the morning when everyone gets up and tries to get a plane.
I've never checked, but IS a train available from there to here?
One way rental car? CLE to DFW looks like a 19 hr drive.