I've been using a vintage Philco as my regular use fridge for the last 13 years. It has continued to work with no problems other than needing a serious defrosting every year. Easy enough. Unplug. Allow ice to melt, remove large chunks, remove small chunks, plug in. Possibly find a can of Stag frozen in the ice for the last year. Drink Stag.
Anyway, it stopped working. I figured it was dead, but had to go to work today so I figured I would deal with it when I got home. Got home, checked another outlet, and there you go, the outlet is dead. I figure I'll replace all three of the outlets in my kitchen tomorrow after work and see where that gets me. If that doesn't work its pro time. Anyway, mine is the same as this one. I have an irrational connection to it.

Your connection would only be irrational if your fridge wasn't freaking amazing!
It's amazing to me when I think about how long things like fridges run. That thing has been running non stop for like 35 years. And my Harbor freight angle grinder died in a day and a half.. There is something to be learned there I just know it.
7/14/10 10:46 p.m.
Holy E36 M3! That's cool! What's its Energy Star rating?

In reply to Carson:
With those I think you rate them by stars worth of energy! 
My 1953 GE refrigerator that's been my everyday 'fridge since 1999. Note the Gilley's sticker. It get's a defrost about every six months and hasn't failed yet. I do have some risers that I put under the feet to promote more airflow. It cuts the running time down by half.

the energy star ratings have taken a beating recently - apparently they'll give it to anything. don't worry tho' the Obama administration is on it, until Gibbsy tells us it was never their position to change anything.
7/14/10 11:28 p.m.
At my family's vacation place, we have a GM (no, not GE, GM) fridge in the garage. I don't even know how old it is...
Looks like this
Yup, I got a firestone like that one in my garage.
Those old ones work very well. My grandfather has his original bought just after world war 2 refrigerator in his basement. It has never broken.
That thing would kick some punk-Bob Costas chinese-made stainless GE piece of garbage's ass EBM style.
Doesn't it cost a ton to run something like that?
My grandma had an old fridge from just after WWII that died a year or two ago. Those fridges are so cool. Also has far as any enviromental stuff I bet it is more friendly to the enviroment to keep using the old ones then build new ones.
I'll have to post a pic of mine later. I put racing decals on magnetic vinyl, and put those on it. These old fridges are actually worth some money, but the "V-handle" ones are really the ones sought after. I don't think this thing uses a whole lot of energy to be honest. My electric bill in the winter, when I don't use AC (my AC was made by Chrysler, even has the star on it, BTW) my electic bil is like $25. My friends and family absolutely hate the thing, which I don't get. I traded a Joseph Bueys Chicago Art Institute Exhibition street light sign for it. The person I traded it for still has that, too.
Old fridges are awesome. I want a Kelvinator to complete my irrational AMC fan-dom.
modernbeat wrote:
My 1953 GE refrigerator that's been my everyday 'fridge since 1999. Note the Gilley's sticker. It get's a defrost about every six months and hasn't failed yet. I do have some risers that I put under the feet to promote more airflow. It cuts the running time down by half.
the wife over here would flip with this in our kitchen.............I think it's kinda cool.