8/10/13 6:31 a.m.
I was going south on 42 in West Chester and traffic stopped for some reason. Kinda caught me off guard but I stopped easily, so did 2-3 others behind me. Sat waiting for it to clear maybe 20-30 seconds and traffic started to move.
All of a sudden I hear BANG BANG BANG and glance back to see car after car getting hammered from behind, and pushed to the sides. E36 M3 E36 M3 E36 M3 I inched forward as much as I could, and let off the brake at the last second just in case, and managed to escape the carnage.
There were at least 4-5 cars involved including the guy right behind me, one car went so far to the side I could see the hood bent in half and front end missing. Some lady in full Indian sarong and clothing staggered out of her car (I think she caused it).
When I realized I wasn't involved I was like yes yes yes sweet! That would have been a E36 M3ty ending to a E36 M3ty day. 
Now imagine that scenario while sitting on a motorcycle.
Pucka pucka pucka.....
8/10/13 8:12 a.m.
Oh, the crazies are out there. Yesterday I was driving in the left center lane on a 4 lane city street. Left lane was turn only. Seemed like there was a stalled car in the turn lane, so, of course. lady decides to cut around the stalled car. My Cherokee is big and bright red, very hard to miss, if you bother to look. Fortunately, nobody to my right, and brakes worked just fine. Caught up to her at the next light, expressed my displeasure at her driving abilities, and she just gave me an absolutely blank stare. Argghh.
I make it a habbit to turn on my hazard lights when traffic stops suddenly on the highway but it isn't a common practice in the states except among truck drivers.
I had a woman very slowly rear-end me earlier this year. No damage because of how slow it was, but the level of inattention that was required is scary to think about.
Edit: Oh fun fact, this was in my 'rolla which has a 3rd brake light flasher.
8/10/13 9:29 a.m.
I was sitting in dead-stop traffic for nearly a minute when the woman behind me took her foot off the brake and accelerated into my CRX. Both the rear quarters were buckled and I had real trouble even opening the door.
She was offended when I told her that was a berkeleying stupid thing to do. When facing the traffic court judge, she plead "no contest" instead of guilty; I was offended.
Sometimes, I just hate people.....
Mmadness wrote:
I make it a habbit to turn on my hazard lights when traffic stops suddenly on the highway but it isn't a common practice in the states except among truck drivers.
I learned that from Driving Commercial. It is -very- good to know and do.. and it drives me crazy when I see how hidden that switch is on many cars.
Last night heading home on the Atlantic City Expressway at 2am.. I am the big vehicle in my Land rover with a car about 5 car lengths ahead of me.. we are in the far right lane doing 5 over at 60mph.. in the middle land, is a slightly slower car that we are every so slightly overtaking.. and coming up on my left (also in the middle lane) is a car doing about 80.. he can see the car in the middle has enough room to zip between him and me.. and obviously does not see the car infront of my truck.
He spun out as he went to cut me off and found a car in front of me. As I saw him coming, I had started to slow before he even got to me.. he went right into the guardrail and back into my lane..
While all those years driving a truck for a living were a PITA.. they taught me well in both how to control my vehicles and in how to anticipate what others are doing around me
Many years ago. I was sitting at a railrad crossing in my sable. Woman comes up behind me and stops. Then for no aparent reason she drives in to me and pushes my hood under the gate. I stand on the brakes but I am still moving. I put the e brake on and bail. I get to her window as my car is now on the tracks and her hood is just under the gate. It is a skinny black haired woman that looked like she had never left woodstock. But she has that 1000 yard stare thing going on by then a coupke other people were there yelling at her and a cop showed up. And pulled her from her car. However they could not stop the train in time. My sable was hit by the train and it was only doing maybe 20 mph but it was totaled. Dragged it 200 feet down the tracks. Never found out what was wrong with the woman. She looked lime she had just come off a weekend bender of peace love and booz and dope. I had just put new half shafts in the car and was taking the cores back. I was pissed for two weeks as that was a great car and I got nothing. I had compulsery only on it while I was repairing it and the other car was uninsured. I later did find out that the woman did not have a licence either.
Still makes me mad as I lost my only car at the time and I got nothing. Not even an explination. Ohya my insurance did get to pay for the damage to the train and the tracks. Since I was the one with insurance. And it was my car that the train hit.
8/10/13 1:30 p.m.
My car was the victim of a hit and run over the weekend. No big deal all the dope did was dent the front "moustache" with his trailer hitch. The story however- is hilarious.
For those that were unaware, I was in a live stage production of Night of the Living Dead. This happened to be our final performance of this run (apparently we're upped for more shows in october), right around intermission. I was onstage, acting a fool, because that's what we did during intermission because it was fun, while all this takes place. ANYWAYS-
Come out after the show, had forgotten my brother and SIL were in the audience, as well as several friends, and my wife. They're all standing there going "Who wants to tell him" My brother comes out and says "Your car was in a hit and run, but the cops have already been called, and a report has been filed".... Turns out- a woman was outside smoking during intermission, witnesses my car getting hit. Writes down the tag on the van, asks in the lobby if anyone knows the black Mazda with the purple wheels. My friend James- who is on MNMazda, and knows my car EXTREMELY WELL- speaks up. He goes and finds my wife. Wife calls the cops, files the report. About this time, everyone is asking about insurance and stuff, and my brother, who is also in the audience, walks up. He COINCIDENTALLY happens to be my insurance agent! So, my car got hit, the cops got called, and we notified insurance, while I was onstage, blissfully unaware that this had happened.
Mmadness wrote:
I make it a habbit to turn on my hazard lights when traffic stops suddenly on the highway but it isn't a common practice in the states except among truck drivers.
I do this fairly often as I see the traffic grind to a halt ahead of me. I cringe as I know how fast the traffic is coming up behind me. No one has a clue as to what I am trying to convey, they all start changing lanes and speeding up like I am the problem, only to come to a screeching berkeleying halt next to me as I roll up to the traffic slowly. berkeleying morans.
I am also apparently the only person in NC who will let a tractor trailer merge on purpose. I will signal to them that the lane is clear by turning my headlights off and then back on, and they always wave their appreciation. Hell, I have seen cars actively BLOCKING a tractor trailer from merging because they are so impatient and I have merged into the lane they need and then slowed to let them over. Good grief, don't people have any consideration or manners anymore?
/rant off
dean1484 wrote:
Many years ago. I was sitting at a railrad crossing in my sable. Woman comes up behind me and stops. Then for no aparent reason she drives in to me and pushes my hood under the gate. I stand on the brakes but I am still moving. I put the e brake on and bail. I get to her window as my car is now on the tracks and her hood is just under the gate. It is a skinny black haired woman that looked like she had never left woodstock. But she has that 1000 yard stare thing going on by then a coupke other people were there yelling at her and a cop showed up. And pulled her from her car. However they could not stop the train in time. My sable was hit by the train and it was only doing maybe 20 mph but it was totaled. Dragged it 200 feet down the tracks. Never found out what was wrong with the woman. She looked lime she had just come off a weekend bender of peace love and booz and dope. I had just put new half shafts in the car and was taking the cores back. I was pissed for two weeks as that was a great car and I got nothing. I had compulsery only on it while I was repairing it and the other car was uninsured. I later did find out that the woman did not have a licence either.
Still makes me mad as I lost my only car at the time and I got nothing. Not even an explination. Ohya my insurance did get to pay for the damage to the train and the tracks. Since I was the one with insurance. And it was my car that the train hit.
That story has "holy Crap" and "That sucks" written all over it.
Glad you're OK
In reply to mndsm:
now that there is cool
exception to the rule but way cool
8/10/13 6:51 p.m.
I did get slightly rear-ended in the xB, on my way to the Dragon/Deal's Gap, of all places. We all pulled off an exit for last-chance gas, and I was the last one. Next thing I know, -bump-. Barely touched but enough to push me a little forward.
Got out, looked like she was almost going to drive off. She just couldn't drive a 5sp for E36 M3 and bumped me. No damage, she felt stupid. We went on our merry way.
8/10/13 8:06 p.m.
fasted58 wrote:
In reply to mndsm:
now that there is cool
exception to the rule but way cool
Heh, I was laughing my ass off the whole time. Everyone thought I'd be pissed my car got hit (again), but when they heard the whole story, it was one of those "This can't be a lie because it's hilarious, and awesome". I went next door to the E36 M3ty little dive bar and got loaded up on free booze after that too. Which was hilarious in and of itself, because the bartender was unsure if I needed to call the cops.... I had COMPLETELY forgotten in this point I was still in full zombie makeup and looked like I had the E36 M3 kicked out of me and been left in a ditch.