Curious what some of you may use that may be unconventional or for cost reasons or whatever.
My favorite:
Simple green used as carb dip. I tried it first a couple years ago on some carbs from a free bike and it worked so well I've been using nothing else since. I buy a gallon and poor it in a bucket, drop in the bits I need cleaned, and poor water in until everything is submerged. It is cheaper than actual carb dip, smells better, and is safe to put my hands in and disposal is just poor it down the drain. Then I'll rinse everything off and dry it just like normal.
barefootskater said:
Simple green used as carb dip.
Will have to try that.
Non-chlorinated brake cleaner is my go to for any small upholstery stains if they are grease, oil, or ink. Try in an inconspicuous place first of course.
In reply to barefootskater :
I found out last week that someone at work has been using Simple Green instead of anti-spatter for months now. I don't recommend it for that application.
In reply to barefootskater :
It works even better in that ultra sonic parts cleaner from harbor freight.
1/28/19 8:39 p.m.
Long exposure of aluminum to Simple Green can be a problem; their FAQ page says no more than 10 minutes for uncoated aluminum. I've been using their Pro HD cleaner (which is purple, not green) as a carb dip and for general degreasing; the site indicates this and a few other versions are safe.
I got Maker's Mark rather than Evan Williams last weekend...
I was wondering about simple green on aluminum, thanks for the info!
Also heard about PineSol as a carb cleaner. I was planning to use it for my son's DR350 after the Polar Vortex leaves the area.
Hadn't heard of the aluminum problem. Usually it is the purple stuff on sale so thats what I grab. Except this last time. Don't think I left it in there more that ten minutes ish. Something new every day I guess.
Ive used pinesol before and it worked great.
The simple green/AL problem is hydrogen embrittlement. If it is really a problem with the way car people use it is probably up for debate. Still, if the purple stuff doesn't do that and functions/costs about the same, why not use it.
BBQ sauce in place of ketchup is usually a good choice.
1/29/19 10:55 a.m.
Mr. Happy beat me to it. PINE-SOL for carb cleaning. Grab an old 1qt pot at a yard sale and a hot plate warm up a 50/50 mix of pinesol and water add carb and watch it scrub. Key is warm not boiling
Home Brew Gun Oil: After you do an oil change, drain the remains of your fully synthetic oil from the jug into a collection jug. When you have enough, mix up 50% fully synthetic motor oil and 50% mineral spirits based paint thinner. Fantastic for protecting metal.
1/29/19 11:30 a.m.
Gasoline in a paint can with a wood handle brush (and natural bristles) will clean damn near anything.
A pot of boiling water with dish soap in it will strip latex paint off kitchen cabinet hardware like magic.
I use a combination of diesel fuel, liquid parafin, and used oil as penetrating lube. Not quite as good as Kroil or PB Blaster, but works pretty well. I save the little liquid parafin candles from work. We discard them with a wee bit still in the bottom because they won't last for another service interval. I cut the tops off and save the teaspoon of parafin.
Diesel fuel and mineral spirits also makes a dandy version of foamy engine brite.
+1 for brake cleaner on darn near everything. Stain/spot remover, pre-paint degreaser, wipe-down before gasket installation, etc.
Vegetable oil is great for removing sticker residue
and of course, Easy-off oven cleaner for caked on grease. Also a great etching prep for painting aluminum if you use the right variation.
The 50-50 mix of Acetone and ATF is my "ultimate" go to penetrating oil. I used it recently to get a barrel off a Mauser that had been on there only 89 years.
As previously discussed, GoJoe hand cleaner to get soap scum off the shower wall. Amazing.
Make your own Fluid-Film.
1qt. Of cheap motor oil.
1 wax toilet ring.
1 gal of denatured alcohol.
1 garden sprayer.
Heat oil in an old coffee can. Put in wax ring to melt it. Put melted wax/oil in garden sprayer along with the alcohol. The alcohol dilutes the wax and oil allowing it to be sprayed in addition to not allowing the wax to harden.
In reply to Curtis :
I assumed Brakleen was a given. A few years ago CRC was giving away a case a month on their Facebook page. I won one around Christmas time and when the box arrived it was much like the Leg Lamp scene in A Christmas Story. I told everyone I knew about my good fortune and The Wife looked on in disgust wondering how she married so poorly.