Tampa, Florida - Page 219 of the brand new school yearbook is all the talk at Sickles High School in Citrus Park.
"There's a picture of a girl in the club pages," said senior Xander Morehouse.
The picture is of a student with, what some are saying, are her private parts showing.
And it is published in the school yearbook.
"When I saw it, I kind of flipped out. I was like, 'Oh my God', but I think that she's probably like really horrified," said sophomore Caitlin Darden.
10 Connects caught up with the 16-year-old in the photo - and her mother Jeanette. The young girl admits she didn't wear underwear that day but says it was because she didn't want her panty lines to show. She says she did not show herself like that on purpose, "Absolutely not. It is ridiculously embarrassing."
The Sickles junior says she found out about the photo when seniors got their yearbooks on Monday. She has not been back to school since. "I started crying, I was freaking out and I didn't know what to do. This is my junior year, it's so important. I didn't think I could go back to school knowing that everyone knew and had seen the picture."
By the end of the day on Monday, more than two-hundred yearbooks had been passed out. Hundreds more went out Wednesday. With more than 2,500 students at Sickles, many more yearbooks are expected to go out over the next week.
"As a mom, I'm not going to make her go [to school]," said Jeanette. Mom wants the school to stop handing out the yearbooks, collect the ones that have gone out and reprint them without the photo.
"I don't want any yearbooks out there that have this photo in it because it is going to follow her," said Jeanette.
The Sickles principal called Jeannette while we were at her home. Jeanette said he suggested she not to talk to us because it would be exploiting the girl. "He [the principal] said he doesn't want to exploit my daughter and here he is passing out yearbooks with her picture still in it and continuing to pass out pictures! It's like don't you get it?" exclaimed Jeanette.
Hillsborough County School District spokesperson Linda Cobbe told 10 Connects the picture is not revealing at all. "We don't believe there is exposure in the yearbook.... It is a shadow."
"Is it a shadow, is it not a shadow? My whole thing is, it doesn't matter, the photo itself is damaging to a 16-year-old and should not have been published," said Jeanette.
"All of the administrators are trying to downplay it and saying I should really laugh it off and come back to school but I've been humiliated," said the junior who will not return to school for the rest of the year.
The district says there is a lengthy chain of command when it comes to approving and printing the yearbook - that includes faculty advisors and even an administrator.
And she was unanimously voted:
Most likely to >..................
Become a second- or third-tier hollywood starlet.
Okay mom, do you want to foot the bill of printing 1500 hardback books?
5/14/09 11:46 a.m.
Whatever you do, don't say "cheese."
Doesn't that make the yearbook child
If the recent nonsense with prosecuting kids with kiddie pwerno charges for "sexting" boob shots to each other is any indication.. we can expect a 20/20 expose with some local hot shot DA looking for his 15 minutes.
(I can't resist. Forgive me.)
5/14/09 12:00 p.m.
Man....she really muffed that one.
5/14/09 12:03 p.m.
Girl makes choice...Don't wear underwear.
Girl makes 2nd choice...Pose for camera in such a way that it might be revealing.
Mommy wants the state to foot the bill for reprinting the printed pictures of daughter's choices. Yeah, sounds about right to me.
I hate to say this, but wasn't the thong invented so you wouldn't have panty lines with out going comando?
5/14/09 12:20 p.m.
I thought the thong was invented for other reasons.
Sophomore Caitlin Darden said:
When I saw it, I kind of flipped out. I was like, 'Oh my God', but I think that she's probably like really horrified
she sounds like a winner.
The Girl In Question said:
This is my junior year, it's so important
She will soon realize that it isn't....
5/14/09 12:44 p.m.
walterj wrote:
Doesn't that make the yearbook child
If the recent nonsense with prosecuting kids with kiddie pwerno charges for "sexting" boob shots to each other is any indication.. we can expect a 20/20 expose with some local hot shot DA looking for his 15 minutes.
First thing I thought too. As much as its the girls fault and all, the school should be really concerned with distributing those books as it could be considered distribution of child pornography. They have been going after folks for alot less these days.
No need to reprint, bust out the sharpies!!!!
5/14/09 12:48 p.m.
neon4891 wrote:
No need to reprint, bust out the sharpies!!!!
My thoughts exactly. Just spend some time with a permanent marker and problem solved.
nah no need to break out the sharpies it would be much quicker to grab a crap load of the "Mr Yuck" stickers they use to give out in grade school and just slap it over the offending bits.

5/14/09 1:02 p.m.
OOOhhhh, censorship and sex education all in one!
New Reader
5/14/09 1:13 p.m.
Hahah we had a similar situation with my high school yearbook... One of the guys on the track team was photographed while jumping a hurdle and the photo was put on the track teams page in the yearbook. There is just a crystal clear view of his balls up his shorts... we were all dying when the yearbooks went out, but in the end - no one, including him, really cared.
It seems to me the mom who's so concerned now should have maybe told her daughter about the importance of keeping her knees together.
Among other things.
Where are parents, these days?
My old man taught me very well
" Flies spread disease.... Keep your's zipped ! "
Sharpie, Pros- once marked, it STAYS on Cons- ink bleed thrue
Sticker, Pros- no bleed thrue Cons- removable, either exsposing the censor bits, or ripping the hell out of the page. And you know some of the guys are gona wana make that sticker go away
5/14/09 1:34 p.m.
Is she related to Sharon Stone?
Let's panties, front row seat, legs askew,......something smells fishy here.
doesn't look like her legs are "askew" in the picture, but at my high school, if a girl wore something like what she had on in that picture, or like what she had on in the tv interview, they'd be sent home or given gym clothes to wear for the day.
Matt B
New Reader
5/14/09 5:02 p.m.
If this is a common practice . . . all I got to say is - watch where you sit!
(those toilet protectors come to mind)