Sorry, this is long and kind of rambling. You have been warned.
So, I decided this last winter to sell the Miata. I have had the car for 10 years, and have had some really good times in it. Set some records, won some events. It was the first car I ever auto-xed and took to the track. Heck, it is the first car I ever actually worked on. And, at this point, about the only thing I haven't done is removed the dash.
The plan was, take a couple of years to continue to get rid of all debt, then get either an Elise, Exige. However, now I am thinking about 240Zs again too. Replacing the Miata with and Elise or an Exige made since to me, as I want/wanted a fairly stock, very capable car for the track and street. I didn't want to have to spend my weekends tweaking this, or fixing that. However, the 240Z comes off as a toss up. Definitely cheaper than the Elise or Exige, but would it make since to get rid of the Miata for one? I envision a 240Z with a fairly built, NA motor, good suspension, very track oriented, but with all the old school, street car touches on the interior. But all that goes against what I wanted to get rid of the Miata for in the first place. I would think as long as I didn't go extreme with the motor, it would be fairly reliable. But I know the 240 would need a lot of work to get it where I would want it. Work that is done to the Miata already. But, while I love the way the Miata looks, it isn't a classic Z.
So, Miata is always the answer. And it has been my answer for 10 years now. Is it time to try another answer? Or will I just end up wanting to come back to it? I am fairly sure the Elise/Exige will satisfy, and keep me from longing for the Miata again. But would a Z? In a perfect world, I would have all three (and about 10-15 other beautiful, great drivers cars I could name right now), but just doesn't make sense for now.
I knew the closer to selling the car I got, the harder it would be. :(