Some of you may have heard about recent legislation Congress is working on. They are looking to outlaw artificial flavorings in tobacco products.
But the way they are wording it, apparently says something like, "You can't put anything in tobacco that doesn't grow on a tobacco plant".
Enter good old American capitalism. Did Congress actually think they could stop the tobacco industry from making money?
Turns out there are trace amounts of very potent chemicals in the tobacco flowers which can be extracted and used for flavorings. The flavors can be extracted directly from the tobacco flower, so they will be hard to legislate against.
My company does extractions.
Here's some of the flavors that can be found in the tobacco flower:
Eucalyptol, camphor, menthyl, strawberry, almond, mint fruit, pineapple, tomato, orange, pear, berry, cherry, grape, apple, spearmint, wintergreen, cherry nut, floral, rosy, melon, berry, ginger, fruit, cinnamon, berry cream, vanilla...
...then a couple of good ones like mutton, beef, and cheese.
But my favorite flavoring of all that can be derived from the tobacco flower is (drumroll, please)...
Real men will only smoke cigarettes that taste like mutton, beef, cheese, or catfish!
We will be processing 6 acres of flowers to extract about 182 grams of flavors. That's about the size of 2 snack sized bags of Cheetos.