I answered a CL ad for a Mk1 MR2, supposedly owned by the seller's mother who passed away last year and the seller being the executor of the estate.
During the usual question to-ing and fro-ing, I emailed a question to the seller that she couldn't answer, so she emails me back something about having to ask her mother and cc'ing the mother on the email.
Amazingly enough, I got an email reply back from the mother. I guess you can really get Internet access almost anywhere these days.
Am I the only one who's hearing a faint ringing of alarm bells?
Now just a cotton pickin' minute! The MOTHER called you back, and SHE'S the one who died? No, that's not right. Not right at all...Should've been a collect call from that area code! 

Dr. Hess wrote:
She got better.
She'll be stone-dead in a moment!
could have been the other mother. i know people that have a few moms- when people get married a few times, their kids get new mommies and/or daddies.
or maybe it was one of those modern "two mommy" families that get some people all wound up..
Well, it turned out it was grandma's car, mother wrote the ad and I was exchanging emails with the daughter so there was one generation more involved than I had expected.
Still, I thought it was funny