Is anyone going to watch this?
I just don't know. I got bored with the series along time ago, then watched reruns late at night until the last season (then I watched that every week) started when they announced it was the last. It ended very bluntly and didn't recap anything and that right there made me think that it wasn't over.
I'll probably watch the first couple episodes and see if I stay interested. I honestly don't care anymore, but their designs keep me interested.
8/6/10 10:52 p.m.
only if they promise that one dies before the end of the series.
I think the winner should kill and eat the loser.
Try to imagine just how little I care. I am long over the whole 'gotta run like hell to build a bike in 72 hours for the Rat's Rectum Bike Show and Kaffeeklatsch' thing. Also, IMHO motorcycles should accelerate, brake and handle in such a way that you can ride on the ragged edge. All you can do with their crap is 'profile'.
If Per and Marjorie would tag team against Wally and John, with Paul as referee.. I would watch it like a hawk.
Otherwise.. not so much.
If I wanted to see childish drama.. I would stick to 4chan
If I wanted to see pre-scripted self imposed drama on an imaginary unattainable time line, I'd watch C-Span.
And I want that bitch Mikey to get a job like pumping gas, changing tires or swinging a hammer!
Who's Jr. and Sr.? Who cares?
If you guys cared so little, you wouldn't have even responded to the thread.

I have only seen a handful of is exactly like any other "reality build" series. OMG, we only have 24 seconds to manufacture an army of trigger action GI Joes... What-forever shall we do?
I have to wonder how it ever made it past the first few episodes...maybe it was one of those 'can't bear to watch it, but can't turn away either' things.
Their 15 minutes was over years ago.
Junior Senior:
rofl. . . . That's bad video to watch after absolut, patron and skyy. . .
I realize theres only so many ways you can build a motorcycle the exact length and weight of an airstream trailer, but I did enjoy watching the design phase of each project. cutting and welding metal is typically fun to watch regardless of the end could be building a custom walker for granny, and I still think watching the tube bending and such would be more entertaining than half the jon and hate plus whogivesaratsass thats on the rest of tv
4cylndrfury wrote:
I realize theres only so many ways you can build a motorcycle the exact length and weight of an airstream trailer, but I did enjoy watching the design phase of each project. cutting and welding metal is typically fun to watch regardless of the end could be building a custom walker for granny, and I still think watching the tube bending and such would be more entertaining than half the *jon and hate plus whogivesaratsass* thats on the rest of tv
yeah, I hadn't considered the design/fab phases. The weekly shouting matches overcame my memory of the rest.
Sr needs to speak english.
Hearing the word "Idears" every 30 seconds makes me blind with rage.
ya gotta give the Discovery networks credit for being able to play off of the dysfunctional tendencies of that family for so many years.
i think all of the drama is real from the viewpoint of the main people on the show- Paul Sr and Paul Jr. they just seem like every bad father/son relationship i've ever seen and it sure looks real- but i'm sure the production crew does whatever they can to feed the drama and keep them from getting along at all.
the only good thing about it is that Paul Jr doesn't have any kids that are having their lives wrecked for the sake of cable tv.. but poor Mikey is always caught in the middle of everything. he needs to quit and go work for Vinny or something..
Have any of you worked for/with family? The "aggression" on that show isn't far off. Manufactured or not.
I wonder if they are still requiring them to put super traps on the bikes. Kind of blows the whole "image".
I thought that was pretty funny. Someone obviously figured out the bikes where clearly not street legal.
z31maniac wrote:
If you guys cared so little, you wouldn't have even responded to the thread.
I think this thread should be ignored just like the show...


This what we talkin' 'bout? 
8/9/10 9:11 p.m.
I'm thinking about checking out the latest version just out of curiosity.