Thwarted a sex-shop robbery with dildos.
Article stated: However, one Lotions and Lace employee, "Amy," was not about to put up with his shenanigans. "I just thought he was trying to be funny, to scare us," she told KABC. "But then I saw the gun and it was like, really? I don't have time for this."
That was odd. Was the firearm real? The clerks' reaction was not typical. That guy probably lost a lot of his "street cred."
She said she thought the gun was fake, "it looked off"
Still good aim!
"Armed robbery!? Ain't nobody got time for that! EAT RUBBER DICKS, dick!"
Someone's a fan of Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels:
Poor Smiffy
All I can think of is Naked Gun 2-1/2.
Bank teller reads note out loud handed to her by a would be bank robber “I have a gub…what’s a gub”
Bank robber “it’s gun…the note says I have a gun”
Bank teller “no, that’s clearly a b not a n…what’s a gub, let me get my manager to help”
Woody Allen – Take the Money and Run - 1969