Mods, if this crosses the line, feel free to laugh, and then delete...
So my wife, mother (ew) and I were playing a road trip game yesterday. You simply identify the model of a nearby vehicle, and add the word "anal" before it. Then you laugh, and try to one-up each other. After we got home, we continued to name cars to see who could find a better one.
So, GRM, what do you have? Post a picture of the vehicle, and the model name, i.e.:

Does it also work on bikes, like the Suzuki Intruder?

The British Hunter...

Maybe not the same meaning your looking for but I like it...
7/12/12 8:53 a.m.
Five, is that the whole fist?
I have the Anal Cherokee, the Anal Miata, the Anal MX6, and the Anal Celica.

And the Anal Escort. (Probably the only funny one.) Here's an ass shot of it.

Anal Gipsy

Preemptive argument killer:
Anal Elf
Anal Dolomite.
Not because it makes sense. Just because I think it is funny.

This is a lot funnier than I thought it would be.
Anal Ambassador... HA!

Also, in case no one has figured it out, I am just going through the BL catalog of cars and picking ones I like.