Air Propulsion and Retardation Installation Line
It says retard in it.
I thought it was ID10t
Yes Kemosabe your mount is powerful.
Tonto rides alone.
SHHHHH! It's funny!
I've been planning it for some time once I realized the board doesn't filter changes in "nicknames."
Let's bury this thread so it works.
I see what you did there....
yeah osterizer is having fun.
He didn't change his signature.. and is only a half dork so the the imposterizing is half baked at best.
I feel like the kid who was asleep when the class let out and woke up during the next class.
This one is well written.
John Brown wrote:
This one is well written.
"" - LOL!
ignorant wrote:
SHHHHH! It's funny!
I've been planning it for some time once I realized the board doesn't filter changes in "nicknames."
Let's bury this thread so it works.
I don't get it? What happen?
I havent been this confused since I lost my chewing gum in a chicken house 
Osterizer/Osterkraut changed his name to be the same as mine and pulled a good prank..
It was damn good.
I'm back to Osterkraut now. Nobody really paid attention to the change.
Osterkraut wrote:
I'm back to Osterkraut now. Nobody really paid attention to the change.
ohh I did..
Cause when i was in the bathroom with myself.. I was really with you too..
Thats a visual noone needed.
Osterkraut wrote:
ignorant wrote:
Osterkraut wrote:
I'm back to Osterkraut now. Nobody really paid attention to the change.
ohh I did..
Cause when i was in the bathroom with myself.. I was really with you too..
Yeah! Team dumps!
Or maybe team sword fights?